Chapter 26

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We had a great day at the beach yesterday. I don't know why we haven't done that earlier, it was so much fun! I actually made a friend too, her names Jade. She's different you can say, in a good way of course. She met my brothers and instantly thought they were annoying. Which I'm glad because she's not one of those girls who want to become friends with me just to get closer to my brothers.

I used to have friends like that, but I finally decided to just drop it.

I'm just sitting on my desk chair, typing away on my laptop. Abruptly, my phone started ringing and as I saw the number I smiled.

"Hey mom," I said into the phone. I haven't talked to my mom in a while since she's probably really busy. Though, I miss her so much.

"Hey angel," she said and I can hear her voice was upset, "How are you? I'm so sorry I haven't called you in a while."

"It's fine, mom. I'm just typing on my laptop, how are you?" I asked. She sighed.

"I'm missing you all too much. I might come home early!" She said and suddenly got excited. I smiled broadly and jumped up from my seat.

"You do that!" I said happily. She laughed from the other side, and I can practically see her grin.

"Of course sweetie. Though, Noah, Lucas and Aiden are still going to be here. Their parents are a little stressed due to income, the house, their studies."

My smile faltered because mom and dad won't be here to break up every fight. I already deal with those seven, but ever since they came over, I feel as if tons of bricks landed on my shoulder.

"Alright, mom. Are you coming today, or tomorrow?" I asked and hoped she would come today.

Though my luck isn't on point, "I'm coming tomorrow sweetheart. I need to pack my bags also."

I nodded, then realized she couldn't see me, "Okay mom, I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Bye Harper," and the phone hung up. I sighed and decided to text Jade if she wanted to come over, she said yes and she'll be here in about 10 minutes.

I rush down the stairs to grab some water, I saw Conner, Drake and Aiden on the couch. I went into the kitchen, grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge and took a big gulp.

"Hey Harper, come here for a sec," I heard Aiden's distinct voice call from the living room. I walked to the living room but didn't see anyone around. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but before I could call out to Aiden, I was lifted into the air which made me squeal.

"Hey, put me down!" I say kicking around. Conner groans from beneath me and glares at me.

"I knew this was a bad idea! Why get me to do it when you guys can do it better?" He asks Aiden and Drake, who out from behind him.

I huff and glare at him, "You're just probably too weak."

He drops me on the ground as soon as I say that.

I groan in pain and get up, eager to lunge at him, but Drake saw and held me back. Then, the doorbell rang and I squealed in excitement as I elbowed Drake -who groaned and bent over to clutch his stomach- and ran to the door.

I flew open the door and pulled in Jade. She laughed as I hugged her, and obviously, she hugged me back.

"Thanks for saving me," I say and she laughs again and rolls her eyes playfully.

She looks at the scene and smirks, "You okay there Drake?"

He scowled.

Aiden and Conner helped him on the couch as Jade and I ran up the stairs and into the room.

For some reason, the guys tease Jade, just not as much as me.

"What happened to him?" She asked as she fell down on the bed. I shrugged.

"I elbowed him," I told her simply. She nodded and took out her phone and started scrolling through it.

This is how our friendship works, she goes on her phone, and I do my own thing. It's weird, but I'm sure a lot of other friends do it.

I'm glad I found someone like her.


▪E D I T E D▪

A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry didn't update sooner, hopefully, you saw my announcement, I had some homework to do. I hope you enjoyed this chapter too! If you did, what was your favourite part?

I absolutely love interacting with you guys, and whenever someone comments, I feel delighted! Especially when you tell me something you can relate to.

My favourite part was probably when Harper elbowed Drake. I know, that's a little cruel but he totally deserved it!

Harper got herself a new friend, what do you think about that? Do you like Jade? She's cool, and the name, I got it from Victorious. If you have a name that's Jade, that awesome!

One quick announcement, I want someone to make me a trailer on my new book. That would be awesome, but I don't know how to ask someone. Do I just put my email on the summary at the bottom, saying I want a trailer or something? Please don't make fun of me, I've never thought of making a trailer so I have no idea. Please private message me about the details, thanks! (I will respond). 😂

Anyways, that's it for this chapter. See you all later! 🖤

 See you all later! 🖤

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