Chapter 13

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I rolled onto the floor to wake myself up better. 

I know I'm weird, but it actually helps. Try it! Actually, don't, you might injure yourself.

Anyways, I got up to my feet and walked to my bathroom. To be honest, my brothers wake up really fast for some reason, same with Neil and Aaron. Sometimes they wake up before I wake up which is pretty weird since I'm a morning person.

I'm actually a night owl, so yeah.

After I was done my business I opened my door to only hear loud chatter from downstairs. Great my brothers are up...

I slowly made my way down, and as I reached the bottom, I heard a high pitch scream. It made me jump and all the others too. The twins, Aaron, and Noah were on the couch, Lucas, Aiden, and Drake were in the kitchen. We all turned to see Hayden on top of the kitchen counter looking as if he pissed himself, holding a broom, and looking down at something.

"Bro, what is it?" Leo asked wide eyes. 

"T-there's a huge spider!" He stuttered and I as I walked over there to help him, I saw a spider the size of an ant.

A fricken ant.

I sighed, went to the door, picked up my shoe, walked back to the kitchen, and slammed my shoe down on the spider. I picked up my shoe and threw it at the door, too lazy to walk there.

"How easy was that?" I asked giving my hand to Hayden, who just slapped it away and got down by himself grumbling something under his breath. I saw a slight tint of pink in his cheeks.

"Hayden it's okay to be scared of something," I said assuringly while the guys didn't help and laugh their ass off.

"Who said I was scared?" He said avoiding eye contact. I stayed silent and once he looked at me he sighed, knowing that I gave him the don't-even-try look.

"Alright, whatever," he said walking away. I snorted unladylike and Noah looked at me.

"I wonder why Matthew is interested in you anyways," he said while smirking. I did a double take and dropped my jaw.

"What?!" I screeched. The twins, Aaron, and Drake snorted while I glared at them.

"Do you guys know how to shut your mouths?" I asked teasingly, shaking my head at them. I looked back at Noah.

"You know, I am a great person. Anyways, I've never seen you guys with girls," I smirked at them. They frowned and looked away, as I laughed walking over to kitchen island to sit.

"I want food!" I whined hitting Drakes back, believe it or not, I like Drakes cooking the best. He grinned and ruffled my hair before hopping off the stool, and grabbing some eggs from the fridge.

Remember when I first said I was scared of Drake and Conner? Well, I feel like something changed. Since they were always so rude, obnoxious, scary, and intimidating. I wonder what happened.

"Here are your eggs m'lady," Drake said while serving me food as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Why was that so fast?" I asked warily and he shrugged.

"I'm a good cook?" He said sheepishly while rubbing his neck and I squinted my eyes at him.

"Who are you, and what did you do to my brother?" I asked while laughing a little, as he chuckled and hit my shoulder playfully.

As I ate my eggs I felt like someone was burning holes at the back of my head, I turned and saw Lucas and Aiden staring at me intently.

See this is the thing about Aiden and Lucas, we all got along when we were younger (kind of), but as they got older I feel like it has become more awkward between us. It hasn't happened to Noah is only because he used to babysit me and Hayden when the twins or the others weren't around. It's sad really.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as they stared and Drake hasn't noticed because he went to sit on the couch with the others.

"Stop that," I hissed at them. They both blinked, but then right back to staring, I sighed.

"Seriously, I mean it. You're making me uncomfortable," I said trying to convince them but they won't budge. Finally, after what felt like two hours, they straighten themselves up and Lucas grabbed my arm and pulled me up to my feet.

"Hey! Leave me alone!" I protested but you know the only answer I got from that was silence.

I have a feeling this is going to be a long day.


E D I T E D◽

A/N: How was that? Did y'all enjoy? I actually liked this one. I'm getting a lot more knowledge from school, so don't drop out kids!

Tell me if you celebrate Halloween, I'd like to get to know you guys better. If you do celebrate, what are you going to be? I'm a going to be a cat. 😹😹

That's it for this chapter. See you all later! 🖤



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