Chapter 8

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"Harper!" Somebody growled loudly, and I sighed before opening the door and looking through the hallway.

As I was down the hall someone lifted me in the air. I squealed surprisingly and it was Aaron carrying me since I noticed it was his same clothes from today.

"Seriously? Two times in one day," I grumbled and Aaron just rolled his eyes. He didn't seem to be in a good mood, so I wonder what happened.

Then I realized something... Matthew. They figured out about Matthew!

I started to thrash around hoping he would loosen his grip, "Aaron let go! I'm innocent, please! I'm way too young to die!"

He muttered something under his breath while he opened the twins room. Yep, I'm dead. Nice knowing you all-

As I was saying my goodbyes I was launched into the air and landed on a comfy bed. I scurried my way to blend into the wall.

I noticed that Neil wasn't in the room anymore, but 3 teenage boys stood in front of me, arms crossed, and a very pissed off expression.

"Why are you mad? You're not even my brother!" I exclaimed at Aaron who cocked his head and narrowed his eyes. I gulped hanging my head.

"Sorry," I mumbled. Aaron doesn't like it when I say that, only because since we pretty much grew up in this household together he thinks of me as a little sister. I have to admit he is definitely my long lost brother or something, same with Neil.

"So baby sister," Lee started sitting in his desk chair, "we were looking through your phone and we saw something pretty interesting."

I smiled sheepishly, "Really? I mean I don't really want to know- oh look at that! Mom's calling me. Coming mom!" I said getting up quickly but knew it wouldn't work because Leo was standing at the end of the bed, just waiting to shove me down if escaped.

So, that's exactly what he did.

"Mom went shopping idiot," Leo said rolling his eyes. I huffed out a breath and crossed my arms.

"We saw a text conversation that wasn't a girls name," Lee continued. I pursed my lips., looking away.

"The name kind of rhymed with catthew," Aaron said while tapping his chin with his finger pretending to think.

"Wasn't it like... Mattew?" Leo said grinning, obviously enjoying this. I rolled my eyes, at all of them.

"So? I can have friends that are boys," I told them. Lee raised an eyebrow.

"You don't even have a friend that's female. So you have a friend that's a boy?" He said and I got annoyed at this point.

"Yeah, he's my friend. F-R-I-E-N-D! Get it? Nothing more, nothing less," I said shaking my head.

"You know what they say though, girls that are friends with boys something-," Leo didn't finish because I cut him off by yelling.

"Alright, I get it! You guys don't though. Try being a girl with five brothers plus their two best friends, and what do you get? Them controlling your life! You guys cannot control my life, alright? If I like Matthew then leave me be! I have never talked to a boy in my life because of you seven! I'm just going to get one thing straight, I don't like Matthew. We are just friends, F-R-I-E-N-D-S!" I shouted, and once I was done I didn't look at them and went straight for the door.

I slammed it shut and sighed with tears brimming in the corner of my eyes. I have never yelled at my brothers like that, let alone, my eldest. I shook my head feeling like leaving the house for a bit, just to get out of the chaotic house.

I walked down the stairs and saw my mom on the couch watching TV, I rolled my eyes because the three buffoons lied to me about mom going shopping. 

"Hey mom," I said smiling softly. She looked at me and smiled also, then frowned.

"I heard what happened," she said quietly and I widen my eyes, "I was going to come upstairs until I heard you yelling at those idiots." She said shaking her head and laughing.

"Want to go out? Maybe go to the mall?" She asked and I smiled, nodding. She got up as I followed, mom grabbed her car keys from the hook, her coat, and I got my sweater.

This is why I love my mom.


M A T T H E W  A B O V E

A/N: Wow. Harper defended herself from her brothers! What do you think about that? Do you agree with her brothers or Harper? I agree with both. 

Since the three are just looking after Harper, but sometimes they go into 'overprotective mode.'

I'm going to make the next chapter on one of the twins POV, leave suggestions on which twin.

That's it for this chapter. See you all later! 🖤


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