Chapter 14

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"I'm bored," I say for the fifth time now.

"We don't care," Lucas said in an annoyed tone.

I ignored him, "Well do you really think I can have fun while trapped in this stupid chair?"

"Sure, why not?" Aiden replied, scrolling through his phone.

At least he has a phone.

I rolled my eyes and spun around. Right now I was stuck on this desk chair, the only thing I can do is spin around. Lucas and Aiden taped me to it, and they threatened to tape my mouth shut if I don't shut up.

Really think I'm going to listen?

"I wanna do something!" I whined putting my head back. I saw them roll their eyes but do nothing.

"Okay, but seriously. I really am bored!" I cried pathetically, and once again silence answered me.

I wiggled around in my seat but ended up tipping over a bit and tumbling down slowly. I screamed as I hit the floor, and groaned hitting my head. Luckily, the floor is carpet.

"Holy flip Harp! Are you okay?" Aiden asked, getting up but obviously, he didn't say 'flip' just something similar and more inappropriate.

"Do I look okay, idiot?" I spat out. He pulled me back so I was sitting again.

"Jeez, no need to get your panties in a twist," he said putting his hands up in defence as I just rolled my eyes at.

"Can you guys untie me now?" I asked annoyed. They both sighed simultaneously and stared at me.

"We need to talk Harp," Lucas said, stating the obvious.

"Yeah, well we're talking already," I said nonchalantly. They both rolled their eyes but I could tell that they were trying to fight back a smile.

"No. We never talk anymore, I want my favourite cousin back," Lucas continued and I shook my head and snorted.

"I am your favourite cousin? I really doubt that," I retorted back and they sucked in a sharp breath.

"Well believe it," Aiden growled at me and I jumped from the harshness in his voice. Lucas shot him a glare that shut him up.

"Seriously Harper. Did you know that all your brothers like you the best? Even Noah. I understand why you don't get it since we never show it, but just believe us, okay?" Lucas explained softly, and I raised an eyebrow but smiled slightly.

"Alright. So now what?" I ask, looking at them and they shrugged.

"Don't be awkward around us?" Lucas answered and I nodded my head.

Aiden got up and walked out the door as I rolled my eyes. I looked at Lucas but he wasn't there, then as I looked at the door I widen my eyes.

"Hey! You can't leave me here!" I shouted at him as Lucas smirked.

"Watch me," he said teasingly and before I could scream at him again he shut the door.

"Help!" I shouted, but what's the point?

I huffed out a breath and tried to get out of the tape.

Keyword: T R I E D

Well, looks like I'm going to be here for a while.

A N | H O U R | L A T E R


"Harper, get up."

"Harper, seriously."

"Harper!" Someone shouted and I jolted awake to only jump a little too much I ended up falling on the floor with a groan.

"What the hell your problem?!" I shout, but it came out muffled since my face hit the floor.

"Well sorry for waking you up," the person said sarcastically. They lifted me up and I came face to face with Lee.

"Hey," I nod at him. He rolls his eyes before taking the tape off me.

"What happened?" He asks and I shrug pathetically.

"I just taped myself to a chair, nothing serious," I say sarcastically. I don't know why I'm being like this, probably because nobody knew I haven't come out of this room, in like, an hour.

"Okay, okay. Stop being like that and tell me the truth," he said sympathetically. I had no choice but to give in.

"Aiden and Lucas taped me to the chair. Then left me without taking the taping off," I explained and he snorted.

I glared at him, "What's so funny?"

"You fell asleep on the desk chair?" He asks while smirking as I frown.

"Whatever, can you please hurry up? I literally can't wait to get out of this room," I complain and he reluctantly starts going faster.

Once he was done, I spring up and bolt to the door to only bump into someone. I look up to see Lucas and Aiden grinning down at me.

"Had fun, Harp?" Lucas mused and I grit my teeth.

Then, I kicked him in the shin.

He surprisingly hissed and bent down to clutch his leg while Aiden watched in horror backing away.

I had to stifle a laugh in from the scene and rushed down the stairs.

I think I just made a mistake.



◽E D I T E D◽

How was this chapter? Did you all enjoy? I hope you all did, and thanks for reading! How was all your Halloween? Did anyone go for trick or treating?

Tell me what you were, I would love to know! For some reason, my brother was a fricken hotdog. Nothing wrong with that though, he looked cool.

This chapter was a bit longer, I don't think anyone noticed though lol.

That's it for this chapter. See you all later! 🖤


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