Chapter 20

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A/N: Harpers' cute (AF) bedroom! Oh, and imagine it a little bigger.


"Ugh! I hate you, Lee!" I exclaimed angrily, and he just had the guts to damn grin at me!

"I know you don't mean that!" He said in a sing-song.

"Whatever, just let me go!" I shouted at him and he shrugged.

"This is what you get Harp! For kicking me in... Lee Jr," he said sadly looking down. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"You guys started it in the first place! Don't ever do that again anyway! You guys already know that you're all taller and older than me!" I retorted and he smirked.

"Whatever, Harp. Just remember, I'm being nice right now. If you do that again I won't forgive you, so you better watch out," he said and I smiled.

"I am not afraid of you," once that came out of my mouth he sent me a harsh glare that can make anyone piss in their pants. Like me.

"I dare you to say that again," he said teasingly and this time I nervously smiled.

"N-nevermind," I stuttered stupidly. He grinned happily and ran upstairs.

I sighed. Remember when I said that my brothers were annoying as hell? I mean yeah they are, but, I am too. I really am though. Whenever I'm bored I go and annoy one of my brothers. It's mostly the twins and Aaron since they annoy me the most too.

I ran upstairs shortly after, and opened the door and closed it behind me. Though, as I got in my room a hand covered my mouth and pushed me up against the wall. I screamed into the hand but obviously, it came out muffled.

I opened my eyes to only come in contact of those soft brown eyes.

"Matthew!? What the heck! How did you get in my room?" I whisper-shouted so that my brothers wouldn't hear once he took off his hand.

"Sorry Harp. I thought that going through the door is boring. So I came through your window, it was wide open," he explained and backed away.

I shook my head, "You scared the hell out of me. Next time just come through the door like a normal person. If you do that again, I might as well get a friggin' heart attack!"

He laughed, "So... Do your brothers like me now?"

"I'm not sure. Why don't you go ask them?" I said shrugging, grinning. He rolled his eyes.

"Haha. Very funny," he said sarcastically. Matthew looked around my room and smiled before seating himself on the desk chair.

"Nice room," he said.


Cue the muteness.

"Why are you even here Matthew?" I asked curiously.

"You don't want me here?" He asked, covering his heart as if he's been shot.

I rolled my eyes, "Just answer."

"I got bored so I came here," he said.

"That's your excuse every time, and anyway, don't you have any other friends?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Fine, I came here cause' I missed you. Happy?" He said looking down, and I smiled softly.

I giggled, and I didn't like giggling. I usually snort or laugh like an idiot.

I finally walked to my bed and sat down, Matthew was still looking down and I saw a bit of pink in his cheeks.

"Aww. Matthew, are you blushing?" I asked teasing, and in return, I saw him rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, so? People blush," he said and I nodded.

"I've never seen you blush though," I said and he shrugged.

"I bet I can make you blush," he said and his mouth started spreading into a devious grin.

I narrowed my eyes, "Really? I dare you."

I regret that.

He raised both his eyebrows and pushed himself out of the chair. I widen my eyes.

"Matthew. Don't come near me," I said slowly but I didn't move since I was friggin' paralyzed. He was walking slowly to me like a predator stalking its' pray.

He was now standing in front of me, looking down. I pursed my lips and was about to move when suddenly he grabbed my shoulder and pushed me down.

He jumped on top of me-not literally-and now he was straddling my legs. My breathing hitched when he put his arms on either side of my head.

He titled his head, "Not blushing?"

"N-no. Just get off me!" I stuttered and he chuckled.

"I kind of like this position. Don't you?" He asked and I gulped.

I actually did, and I sound like a friggin' pervert so obviously, I'm not saying that.

I opened my mouth to say something but we heard the door open. We both whipped our heads in that direction and saw Lucas and Aiden with wide eyes and open mouths.

Here we go again...


◽E D I T E D◽

A/N: Holy flip! How did you like this enjoy this chapter? I'm sorry for putting Matthew in a lot of the chapters, maybe we can have a new character or something.

Sorry for not posting in two days, it was Diwali. That's a holiday I celebrate-basically it's the festival of lights! It's my favourite holiday after Christmas! <3

That's it for this chapter. See you all later! 🖤

 See you all later! 🖤

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