Chapter 41

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"Beg for my forgiveness," I instructed the three teens before me. They all looked at me with raised eyebrows and dropped jaws.

"What?! What do you mean?" Daniel demanded, obviously annoyed at this point. I scoffed and crossed my arms as Noah watched in amusement.

"I mean, you three, have to get on your knees and beg for forgiveness," I said slowly. Zane rolled his eyes as Nelson and Daniel glared.

I came back from school and after Noah, the twins and Aaron came back from college, Noah called his friends over. They came and Noah decided for them to apologize to me, and I could tell them to do whatever I'd like. Now, I know this kind of sounds cruel, but just think about it, you got harassed and punched in the face, hard enough to leave a visible bruise. Makeup isn't all that magical, because it didn't really help to be honest, even though they didn't notice while I was wearing it. 

They all exchanged looks before slowly and quietly getting down onto their knees and clapping their hands together in a begging position. I winked at Leo and he pulled out his phone and started secretly recording. 

Zane and Nelson stared at Daniel as he huffed and glared at his two friends. "I'm sorry for harassing you. I was drunk so I didn't know what I was doing, please forgive me, Harper."

I smiled and stared at Zane as he sighed. "Sorry for calling you a 'witch' and punching you in the face. I hope you can forgive me."

Nelson rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry for not controlling those two and for holding back Hayden. I should have done something to stop it, please forgive me and my friends."

I coughed. Oh, god. Hold it in! They're so going to kill me! Damn, I don't think I can. I was right and burst out laughing, as they furrowed their eyebrows and looked confused as hell. Leo was also laughing, while Noah was keeping in his laugh. I finally composed myself and wiped an invisible tear and shook my head, grinning.

"You're all so gullible. I didn't you'd actually do it!" I exclaimed, chuckling. They instantly frown and Daniel slowly got up and clenched his jaw, while stomping over to Leo.

"Delete that video!" He demanded Leo.

"What video?" Leo asked innocently. This got Daniel pissed as he grabbed Leo's phone, before Leo lunging towards Daniel, as they landed on the floor, rolling on the ground for the phone.

Nelson was already arguing with Noah about how he's a traitor, and how that was unfair, and you're not a good friend.

Zane narrowed his eyes and that's when I got the message. I started running away for dear life as he was hot on my tail. He finally caught up as he grabbed my waist and lifted me into the air. I squealed and started to laugh as he threw me on the couch and started tickling my sides. I'm not very ticklish, but Zane's tickles weren't fun but painful. He sucked at tickling!

"Wait, stop, your tickles hurt!" I exclaim. He rolled his eyes and let's go while I roll onto the ground and sprawl across the floor, panting. I glance over at the stairs and see Hayden and Neil coming down the stair, looking around the room, cautiously.

"How come you're on the floor?" Hayden asks as he and Neil walk over. I roll my eyes and think of something sarcastic.

"Oh no reason, just looking for birds," I say. Okay, that was the first thing that came up in my mind, and they looked at me strangely before shaking their heads.

Neil helped me up as I sat on the couch. Leo was smirking at Daniel as they glared off. Nelson had his arms crossed as he narrowed his eyes at Noah, who was grinning. Zane was helping Daniel, so I decided to step in.

"Leo, it's fine. Delete the video," I told him. He looked at me and frowned while Zane and Daniel looked like they were struggling, trying to smile at me. It looked like they were in pain.


He showed the screen to the other two as he slowly deleted the video. 

Maybe, I can try to get along with those three.



A/N: This was chapter was mainly for the laughs. Hopefully, it was funny to you guys. If it wasn't, then that's embarrassing. Do you think Harper should get along with Noah's friends, or not?

I think I want their friendship to be like a love/hate relationship. It'll be funny seeing their snarky comebacks at each other.

I am so sorry I haven't posted in two days, I couldn't come up with an idea. This idea just poofed inside my brain like BAM!

SDL - Stepbrothers Don't Love will also be updated soon too! ♚ 

SDL - Stepbrothers Don't Love will also be updated soon too! ♚ 

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