Chapter 35

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I stopped, staring at the three teens before me. What the hell are they doing here? I guess I'll find out soon.

I slammed the door, pretty hard. Everyone snapped their heads in my direction, as anger boiled in me.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked, my voice demanding. The three snickered quietly as I shot them a glare.

"Harper. It's not what it looks like," Noah tried convincing me but it didn't work. I rolled my eyes instead and crossed my arms.

"Then what does it look like?" I asked, clearly annoyed. Noah gulped, while Lee stepped forward.

"Harper, we talked to them. They said they don't even know who you are," he said. I did a double take, then glanced at the three idiots, then to Hayden and Neil.

"Hayden and Neil were with me. They also got assaulted by them!" I exclaimed. Now, everyone had their eyes on Hayden and Neil.

"We thought you guys wouldn't believe us," Hayden shrugged. I glared at Daniel, Zane and Nelson, suddenly my lips turning into a smirk.

"How's your face, Daniel? What about your leg Zane?" I said, laughing. They both glared at me with complete dead eyes.

"So it was you two? Why the hell would you do that?!" Noah shouted angrily. They whipped their heads at him.

"We didn't know they were your cousins!" Nelson argued back, standing up. Noah sighed, irritated and scowled at them.

"It doesn't matter who they were, you still shouldn't do that! Were you guys drunk?" Noah asked, sitting down.

Daniel sighed, "Yeah, man, we were. We're sorry, we even forgive that girl over there."

I coughed, "I have a name."

"I don't feel like saying it, though. Sounds like I'm eating poison."

I scoffed, "Overdramatic much?"

"Anyways!" Noah said, "Zane, why the hell would you punch a damn girl?"

I coughed once again, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Now, everyone was staring at me.

"What! I feel like you guys are saying that girls are weaker than guys," I said putting my arms up in defence. Daniel's lips spread into a stupid smirk.

"That's 'cause it's true," he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Shut up, I punched you in the face and got a bruise."

He looked away and I smirked.

"I don't know man," Zane said cutting our argument, "we were drunk."

"Yeah," I said, "but it was unnecessary to call me a female dog."

He tsked and looked at me, "I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing!"

"Yeah?" I asked, "Do you regret it now?"


"Why don't I kick your leg again?"

"Why don't I punch your face again?"

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"Want to see me try?"

"Do your best."

"Come here!" I exclaimed lunging at him, sadly, Daniel held me back by my waist. I thrashed around and I think I smacked him in the face.

"Hey! What the flip?" He shouted angrily. I ran towards Drake, who was closer to me and hid behind him.

"Don't curse, it's stupid!" I exclaimed, laughing. He rolled his eyes.

"Wait," Hayden said cutting off whatever Daniel was about to say, "why the hell were you flirting with Harper? She's 14 and you're all 19."

"I was drunk!" He yelled at Hayden.

"Still think I'm cute?" I teased.

He rolled his eyes, "No. I was apparently blind that night."

I frowned and clenched my jaw.

Drake held me back since he saw my temptation in beating the crap out of Daniel.

"Just one good punch, that'll shut him up for good," I said struggling in his grip.

"We need to leave now, we'll see you tomorrow Noah?" Nelson said. I pouted.

"Aw, dangit! Thought you were never gonna come back," I said. Noah rolled his eyes.

"Harper, shut up. Sure guys, and don't get drunk again!"

"Yeah, yeah." With that, they slammed the door shut.

"What a day," I breathed out. I was about to walk upstairs when Aiden and Lucas stopped me. Noah raced upstairs, Lee, Leo and Aaron jumped over onto the couch, Conner and Drake left to go in the game room, and Neil and Hayden went upstairs too.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"What'd you talk about with Matthew?" Aiden asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder, "Nothing. Just school stuff."

"Totally," Lucas said, stretching out the word.

"Guys," Aaron said from the couch, not sparing a glance at us, "don't talk about that crap. It annoys me and everyone else. I'm pretty sure Harper is way too shy to makeout with Matthew anyway."

My cheeks heat up in embarrassment as they all burst out laughing, "Shut up!"

I storm upstairs.

I can't wait for school.



A/N: Wow, nice chapter, huh? Ya like the comebacks I came up with? Hopefully, you noticed, 'cause if you didn't, then that's embarrassing.

Unfortunately, Daniel, Zane and Nelson obviously don't like Harper, neither does she. What do you think is going to happen to them? I think their "friendship" is going to be a love/hate one.

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for reading! ♡

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