Chapter 3

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I'm just chilling on the couch in the living room when I get interrupted by Conner and Drake.

"Get up Harp we wanna watch," Drake orders.

"Does it look like I care?" I snap back, he glared and I gulp thinking that was a mistake.

"I'm not going to say it again Harp get up," he says sternly.

"Guess what? You just said it again," I snorted not looking at them anymore and I swear I heard Conner snicker.

I was suddenely lifted into the air which made me squeal in surprise, I look over my shoulder and see Conner grinning at me.

"Where are we going?" I groan. I try to thrash around and to my surprise, Conner loosened his grip, but then tightened it again.

"God Harp, why are you so fat?" Conner said, and Drake snorted as I rolled my eyes because I'm pretty sure that I'm the lightest than all my brothers.

I was about to say something when I was launched onto another couch, as I looked around we were in the theatre room.

Unfortunately, Lee, Leo, and Aaron were here as they looked back and smirked when they saw me.

"Stay here Harp," Conner instructed.

I smiled and started to leave, "Nah I'm good." Though when I was about to leave I bumped into someone and as I looked up I saw my twin and his best friend.

"Can you stop bumping into me?" I asked him with arms crossed, Neil laughed but stopped when Hayden shot him a look.

"I'm pretty sure you bumped into me," he said copying my actions. I rolled my eyes and shoved past through them and ran up to my room for safety.

As I was reading a book I heard the front door slam, and I knew who it was instantly as I bolted down the stairs.

"Mom!" I squealing hugging her, she looked surprised at first but then smiled at me.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" She asked while putting her bags down.

"I'm doing fine but I missed you," I said while pouting she just shook her head and laughed.

"Where are the boys?" She asked as I followed her to the kitchen, and surprisingly everyone was already there.

"Mom!" Lee exclaimed as he hugged her and kissed her cheek. If you didn't already know Lee's a mamas boy.

"Hey boys. How were all your days?" She asked curiously, a chorus of 'it was fine' and 'it was okay' came from them.

"Great, now I'm going to be in the office so don't make any noise okay?" She asked all of us while we all nodded.

I was about to run away when somebody held my hoodie and made me jump back, I looked and saw Hayden and Conner but no Neil.

"Whaaat," I whined and flailed my arms around.

"God Harp stop being so annoying," Conner said as Hayden dragged me up the stairs.

"Me? I'm annoying. Oh come on, that is the stupidest sentence that has ever come out of your mouth. And believe me, a lot of things came out of your mouth that is not so smart," I scoffed and by now we were up to the stairs.

Hayden snorted and Conner glared at me, "Shut up Harp."

"Ooh, I'm so scared!" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes, Conner flicked my head which made me yelp.

"Ow! Jeez, no need to be aggressive," I whined as he smirked and I looked ahead as we entered Drake and Conner's room.

"You know this is kidnapping," I pointed out as they threw me on a desk chair.

"We couldn't care less," Drake smirked. For some reason, my brothers love smirking and they have the same stupid one.

"I didn't do anything to you people! Leave me alone," I groaned and hanged my head.

"You'd think we'd do that by now unless we were done with you," Neil said as I sighed in annoyance.

"Why do you need me?" I asked them.

"We just wanted to annoy you, to be honest," Hayden shrugged and I rolled my eyes and got up.

"Bye," I said as slammed the door. I marched down the hall to only bump into Leo and Aaron. Lovely.

"Slow down there grumpy," he smirked as Aaron snickered. I glared at both of them and ran to my room before they could kidnap me.



How was that?

If you want, you guys can give me suggestions and ideas in the comments.

I'll read them over and do them for a future chapter.

That's it for this chapter.

See you all later! 🖤

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