Chapter 25

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A/N: Harper's bathing suit above! Also, please read the authors note below, it's really important. Thanks!

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The door burst open and Hayden, Neil and I whipped our heads to see the twins and Aiden looking there accomplished.

"Guess what? We got three cars!" Leo exclaimed and we dropped our jaws. well at least I did, the other two just grinned excitedly.

"No way! That's so fricken cool!" They both said in unison and I rolled my eyes.

"Do mom and dad know?" I asked, and they looked at me as if I said the dumbest thing ever.

"What are you? Our mom and dad? Loosen up a bit Harp!" Aaron said and I sighed.

"Anyways," Lee said walking towards the couch, "let's go to the beach today!"

"Sounds like a plan!" Hayden exclaimed childishly and I shrugged.

I like the beach and all, but my brothers get mad at me for wearing any kind of bathing suit. So, I always have to hide it.

After a while, all of us were ready and we were riding in the cars. In one car, it's me, Hayden, Neil, Drake, Conner, Noah, and Lucas.

The others are in another car.

Right now, I'm wearing a black floral one-piece bathing suit under my black jeans and a red tank top.

I gotta say, I'm not one for fashion, but today I outdid myself.

Throughout the drive to the beach, it was so annoying since I was in between Hayden and Neil and I kept getting poked in the sides by them.

"Stop that!" I hissed at that, finally having enough. They stopped short and stared at me until they slowly turned to the front and pulled out their phones and started scrolling through them.

After a while, we pulled up to a pretty crowded beach. Everyone rushed out and Noah took out all the beach materials we need.

Hayden was the first to get to our spot, I laughed at him as Neil jumped on his back.

I took my pants and tank top off and jumped in the water. The guys looked disappointed in my outfit but I just rolled my eyes and ignored it.

"Harp, don't you have something that's less revealing?" Conner asked but I just shoved him.

"What? I have to wear a 'friggin winter jacket now?" I asked sarcastically and he nodded hastily.

I shook my head and laughed, "This was the only bathing suit you guys will approve. Unless you want me to wear a bikini?" I told him and he widens his eyes and shook his head no.

"You know what? You look good in that, " he said. I nodded and smiled at him.

After a while, we decided to do a chicken fight. The twins and Aaron suggested it and Hayden, Neil and I agreed.

Team one is Neil and Aaron, team two is Lee and Hayden, and the third team is Leo and me.

I got on Leo's shoulders and he easily lifts me up, once all of us got on their shoulders, we let Drake be the referee.

"1, 2, 3, go!" He exclaimed. Hayden and Neil smirked at each other and patted Aaron and Lees shoulders. All four of them smirked evilly at Leo and I. I gulped and Leo looked a little nervous.

Aaron and Lee started walking slowly towards us, so I thought quickly. As Aaron got closer to Leo, Neil was distracted since he was looking at Leo and not me for some reason, I grabbed his arm and shoved him off with all my strength. Guess what? He fell!

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