Chapter 22

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It's been a day since those barbies attacked me.

I haven't told anyone yet but right after they left, Hayden and Neil came down the stairs and were really suspicious about my cheek, where they slapped me.

It was fully red.

Amber had so many rings on her fingers too! Who wants to wear, like, 50 rings on one hand?

I felt really pathetic when I didn't stand up for myself, but you can't really blame me, they're four years older than me.

They came over for breakfast and I could tell everyone was staring at them, except for Hayden and Neil, cause' they looked like they couldn't care less.

I don't actually mean staring, I mean drooling over them.

They were glancing at me a few times, and when Amber and I made eye contact, she shot me a threatening glare.

Well, at least tried to.

"Can you guys, like, cover up your body? Those clothes look like they can fit me," I said resting my chin on my hand as Hayden and Neil quietly snickered next to me.

The three of them gasped, as the twins and Aaron glared.

"Why do you always pick on them, Harp?" Aaron asked seriously. I couldn't help but scoff.

"What do you think? I want you guys to have girlfriends that don't mess around! You guys just had to pick real life barbie dolls!" I exclaimed angrily, and the girls were sending me glares the whole time.

"If you tell one of your brothers, you're gonna get it way worse."

"Sit down Harper and shut up," Leo said clenching his fist and I couldn't help but stare at it.

"What? Are you gonna punch me or something?" I asked and everyone started choking on their food, except for the three girls.

"Harper, what has gotten into you? Just be happy for them," Noah said calmly and I stared at him for a second before looking down.

"I can't be happy for them," I said softly, "because you guys are blind to the fact that they're fake as hell! Maybe you guys should open your eyes and look at what they've done to me! Hayden and Neil are the only people who actually know, right?" As I said each word, my voice got louder.

I stared at Hayden and Neil and they nodded slowly.

"Don't believe me but," I looked at Amber who was clenching her jaw, "she fricken slapped the shit outta me!"

Everyone stopped.

My heart was beating really fast from all of this. The tension was so thick, and it was like it's looming in the air.

"I know I might sound selfish about this, but now I understand how you guys felt when Matthew was around me. I don't want you guys to have girlfriends, what if you forget all about me? You're all my big brothers and I love you all so much! I don't want anyone to steal you away from me!" I shouted and for some reason, I wasn't stopping, and I let my tears that were in my eyes fall.

"Please!" I said and turned to the three girls that were watching in horror, "Don't steal my brothers away from me, they're the only people that understood me! Even though they annoy the hell out of me, I don't care, they're amazing people!"

I dropped to the ground, my breathing was faster than normal, my tears were coming out nonstop, and I felt like I was having a panic attack.

The last thing I heard was someone shouting my name until I blacked out.


I woke up to the sound of whispering as I blinked a few times. I turned my head to see Hayden sitting on a chair, looking worried.

"Harper!" Hayden hollered, and I smiled softly.

"Hey," I said sitting up. I looked around the room and Neil was beside the door, Aaron was beside the door too but sitting against the wall, Leo and Lee beside him.

Everyone jumped up when Hayden shouted my name.

Before I could process anything, someone crushed me into a firm squeeze.

"Harper! I'm so glad you're okay, I thought you would have never woken up!" It was Lee, and I patted his back comfortably, smiling.

"I just blacked out," I said stating the obvious.


After numerous of hugs, we went downstairs to see the rest of the gang, but I furrowed my eyebrows because I didn't spot the girls.

"We broke up with them."

I spun around to see Aaron.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause' they admitted that they slapped you," he explained, "they all felt guilty so we kicked them out and broke up with them."

I grinned so wide I jumped on him and crushed him into a hug.

This was an odd day.


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A/N: Hey! This was such an emotional chapter. Did you guys cry? I was almost going to but I held it in, lol.

Hope you all enjoyed, thanks for reading!

That's it for this chapter. See you all later! 🖤

 See you all later! 🖤

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