Chapter 23

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"Hey!" I exclaimed as Drake flicked my forehead. He rolled his eyes.

"Can you like stop annoying me?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders and walked away.

Well then.

I ran upstairs to my room. As I was walking, somebody popped out of nowhere and scared me half to death!

"The look on your face, Harp!" Hayden cried, bending over, and doubling his laughter.

I huffed out a breath and clenched my fists, "How many times do I have to tell you guys, not to scare me?"

"Well, do we listen to you? I don't think so," he replied and I felt as if I wanted to explode in anger.

"Whatever," I answered, trying not to sound annoyed. I walked inside my room and flopped on my bed with a sigh.

I searched for my book I was reading in my bedside table and finally found it.

I was reading peacefully until someone called my name.

"Yo, Harper!" I heard one of my brothers yell, I rolled my eyes and ignored it, way too lazy to get up.

"Harper! Get off your damn arse and get over here!"
I ignored that.

"If you don't get over here in less than a minute, I will come over there and grab your hair!"

With a huff, I lifted myself up and walked out of my room to where someone called me.

I then realized it was Lucas since he was standing out his door, looking as pissed as ever.

"What do you want?" I asked him and he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his room.

"Dude! What do you want?" I exclaimed and Aiden, who on his bed, chuckled.

"Listen Harper. When I call you, you have to come right away. I don't like waiting and this is important," Lucas growled.

"Impatient much," I grumbled under my breath and gladly Lucas didn't hear me.

"Anyways," he said, "go to Noah's room and grab my phone from there."

"What? Heck no!" I shouted and started walking towards the door, though, Lucas grabbed the back of my shirt.

I yelped as he pulled me back, "Harper. Remember the deal we had, or do you want Aiden and I to tell the rest of your brothers what happened in that room with Matthew?"

I gulped, "N-no never-mind."

I sighed and walked over to my parent's room, which is, for now, Noah's room, and cracked open the door.

He was in the room, looking through his phone on the bed.

"I see you Harp," he said suddenly not looking at me. I jumped and the door swung open.

"How did you...?" I said trailing off and he rolled his eyes.

"You know how loud that door is? If you open it just a little bit, like you did, it would make a big creaking sound," he explained and I raise an eyebrow.

"I didn't even notice," I said and he shrugged.

"Probably 'cause you're deaf. What are you doing here anyway?" He asked and sat up on his bed.

"O-oh um... wrong room. Sorry," I said awkwardly leaving but he stopped me.

"What?" I whined and he laughed.

"Lucas sent you in here to get his phone, right?" He asked and I widen my eyes.

I learned something today.

Noah knows all, hears all, and sees all.

"Dude, are you like psychic?" I asked cautiously and he chuckled.

"Sure, you can say that. I'm not giving his phone back since he took an embarrassing video of me, but I don't know his password so I stole it from him," he explained and formed an o shaped with my mouth.

"What kind of video?" I asked and he pursed his lips, while his cheeks turned pink.

He mumbled something but I couldn't hear it.

"What? I can't hear you," I said and he sighed.

"I was cooking dinner. While I was I put music on and started dancing, as I was I started singing as well," he muttered.

I laughed.

He glared and pointed to the door, "Leave."

I shrugged and left the room, closing it in the process.

I turned and jumped because Lucas was standing with crossed arms looking at me sternly.

"You messed up," he said and I shrugged.

"Your brother is friggin' scary and physic," I said while laughing but then I noticed he wasn't laughing.

"What?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes, "If you mess up something I asked you to do, this deal is over and I tell everyone what happened between you and Matthew in the room.

"What?! I didn't know about that! That's so unfair, Lucas!" I exclaimed angrily.

"Well it's a new rule. Also, I'm bored of this deal and kind of want to see their reactions," he said and I widen my eyes as he starts walking down the stairs.

"Lucas! Please, I'll do anything!" I shouted and he ignored me.

This is going to be interesting.


▫️N O T E D I T E D▫️

A/N: Hey guys! I know I said I wasn't going to post but I'm at my cousins right now and I'm typing this on my dads phone.

Yeah, that's right. I don't have my own phone, not complaining or anything though.

That's it for this chapter. See you all later! 🖤


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