Chapter 21

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"What the flip is happening in here?!" Lucas exclaimed angrily and Matthew quickly scurried off of me.

I sat up and felt like crying, "I'm so sorry! Please don't tell anyone guys!"

Aiden was going to say something but then shut his mouth once he saw my face.

"Whatever Harp. I'm telling Noah!" Lucas said marching over to the door but before he could open is Aiden grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Dude, what the hell? Lets' go!" He said, but Aiden just calmly shook his head.

"No. Harper didn't mean for this to happen, this retard over here did that," he said pointing to Matthew as he glared.

"So?" Lucas asked.

Aiden leaned in and whispered something in Lucas' ear, that I couldn't quite make out. Though, once Aiden finished a smirk spread across Lucas' face.


"Matthew, get out," Lucas ordered and we both looked at him strangely.

"Your brothers are going to see me though," Matthew pointed out and Aiden rolled his eyes.

"Not through the door. Jump out from the window, you got here from it right? Now leave," he said pointing to my window.

"Are you crazy? I can't jump-," he couldn't finish that sentence because Aiden sent him a threatening glare.

He widened his eyes and rushed off to the window, he climbed over it and looked at me, "If I don't make it, tell my mom I love her."

I nodded and he jumped with a yelp, I ran to the window and saw him landing on his feet, I sighed once he gave me a thumbs-up and ran away.

I turned around.

"So... Harper we have wanted a deal," Lucas started and I raised an eyebrow.

"What kind?"

"You don't want anyone to find out about what happened, right?" Lucas asked and I nodded slowly.

"Well," Aiden took over, "if you don't want us to snitch than you have to do whatever we want until we leave."

My mouth flew open.

"And," Lucas added, "You can't invite Matthew over too."

I stood there for a moment thinking this over. I mean, if I did this they won't tell. I also can't invite Matthew over, I guess it's fair enough.

I sighed, "Fine."

Lucas clapped his hands, "Great! Bring us some food to our room please."

"What-," before I could retaliate they shut the door.

This is going to be fun...

I brought them their food and quickly left their room. I heard laughter from the twins room, and for some reason, a female laughter too.

I opened their door to see the twins with two girls that looked like they were twins and Aaron with another girl.

I twisted my face in disgust because the girls were wearing clothes that could fit me.

"What the hell Harp? Get out!" Lee exclaimed and I widen my eyes to see them having all their shoulders around them.

"W-who are they?" I stammered for some off reason.

Leo sighed, "These are our girlfriends," I choked, "that's Madison," he nodded towards the one with Lee, "this is Morgan, and that's Amber."

I gulped and just noticed that the girls were glaring at me.

"Can you guys, like, open your eyes?" I asked eyeing the three guys, and they raised an eyebrow.

I sighed, "Nevermind."

"I've never seen you around," Morgan said glaring at me but the guys didn't seem to notice.

"Yeah, well? You need damn glasses cause' I friggin' live here," I said angrily and I don't even know why I was angry. She gasped and Leo glared.

"Leave, Harper."

"All I'm saying is that your girlfriends here are as fake as their damn weave," I said normally and this time they all gasped.

"Harper! Get out!" Aaron screamed and I felt a pang of hurt in my chest.

"Whatever idiot," I said and slammed the door with all my power I was scared it was going to break all of a sudden.

Noah ran out of his room and looked around worriedly.

"What the flip was that?!"

He obviously didn't say flip.

"Sorry, Noah. That was me," he furrowed his eyebrows before waving me off and going back into his room.


Later that day, I saw the three girls coming down the stairs.

I tried my hardest not to shoot them my meanest glare.

"Listen here Hailey," Madison or Morgan started, and I rolled my eyes. Hailey? Really? "Don't come near the twins."

"Yeah, and my Aaron," Amber added and I cringed.

"They're my damn brothers, get that straight into your plastic head," I said and fought back a smirk.

"Why you little-," Amber didn't finish that because she raised her hand and it came flying down, coming in contact with my friggin' cheek!

Did she just?

I think she just did.

I looked back at her with wide eyes and my eyes brimmed with tears, because of that hurt so much!

"W-why?" I stammered and let a tear fall while holding my cheek.

Morgan (or Madison) grabbed my chin harshly and her fake nails dag into my skin. I whimpered.

"If you tell your brothers that this ever happened," she yanked it so that she could whisper in my ear, "you're going to get it way worse."

I whimpered and nodded. Even though if I have ever told my brothers, it's not like they're going to listen anyways. I'm not those oblivious girls in movies or books.

They strutted away, and only one thing was on my mind.

What the hell just happened?


◽E D I T E D◽

A/N: Omg! I feel like a monster reading this over again, I feel so bad for Harper. Those girls are so friggin' rude, don't ya guys think?

I wonder what will happen next, and seriously I don't even know myself. Oh, and before I forget, the names I used, don't take it offensively because I just needed names. If you do have names like that, they're absolutely beautiful! I actually have a friend named Morgan, lol.

That's it for this chapter. See you all later! 🖤

 See you all later! 🖤

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