Chapter 5

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"Mom, open the door! We know Harper is in there!" Leo exclaimed from behind the door while banging on it.

"Honey, I really don't know what you're talking about!" Mom replied back and sending me a quick wink as I smiled.

"We're not afraid to break down the door!" Leo said and I rolled my eyes.

"If you do young man you're grounded," mom said calmly. This is one of the reasons I love my mom ladies and gentlemen.

The knocking suddenely stopped and we also heard, what seemed like it, retreating footsteps. Mom and I sighed simultaneously.

"Thanks, mom," I said smiling and she happily returned it.


It's been a while since the boys have bothered me and my mom but I'm still cautious of going outside.

Though I'm literally dying of boredom.

"Honey it's okay if they try to get your phone from you, just shout out to me, alright?" Mom reassured me, it didn't work though, but nonetheless, I nodded slowly.

I got out of my chair and walked towards the door, I opened it a bit to peak outside and surprisingly nobody was there.

I opened the door fully and walked out, closing the door behind me. I kind of felt like I was in a movie, you know? When the main character tries to get away from the enemies.

I knew the twins were mad at me because whenever my brothers get mad at me, they call me by my full name and don't use my nickname.

Which is great and all, not the 'mad' part though. When my brothers want to be scary, they can be scary.

I silently made myself to the living room, and no one was there so I hurriedly ran up the stairs.

I didn't make it all the way upstairs because since I was so fast I literally tripped over my feet and fell flat on my face.

Curse my clumsiness.

I covered my mouth to not cry out in pain so that no one will hear. As I stood up on both feet, pain shot through my left ankle and I fell right back down.

I sighed in annoyance and prayed that none of my brothers or their friend left their rooms because that would be a disaster.

So I only had one option left.

I crawled on all fours to my room (aka safety) and as I reached my room I slammed it shut.

I slithered my way to the bed and sat on it lifting my left leg over so I could examine the damage that has been done. I lifted up my tights and gasped when I saw my ankle.

It was freakin purple.

Not like violet purple, just a light shade of it. Does that make sense? Hopefully.

I sighed and leaned my head on the bed frame, lost on what to do now. Should I call mom? No, then I'm going to make her more stressed than she already is. Maybe my brothers. I snorted myself at that, like am I stupid? Wait, I am.

Before I could think of more possible decisions, the door burst open to reveal Hayden and Neil. Luckily, I tucked my tights before they could see my ankle.

"Can I help you two?" I asked getting straight to the point.

They both shrugged, "Nah we're good." Hayden said.

"Then leave," I said pointing to the door.

They both shook their heads coming closer to me and I widen my eyes, "Hey! Wait I didn't do anything to you two, leave me alone!"

Neil grabbed my forearm and I squealed as he swiftly made me stand and I hissed in pain quietly, but they didn't notice.

He began to pull me downstairs and I was lipping slightly and I almost wanted to cry at how much it hurt, but I have never cried in front of my brothers because they're going to tease me about it.

Once we got downstairs I noticed all my brothers (including Aaron there) and I knew this was a trap. I just couldn't take it in anymore.

"Neil let me go! It hurts!" I screamed in pain and he snapped his head towards me and instantly let go. I fell on the ground and clutched my ankle.

Then I started crying.

Ugh, I'm pathetic.

"Holy shoot!" I heard either Lee or Leo exclaim but knowing them they said a word similar to it.

Someone scooped me up in their arm and I looked at them with a blurry vision, and it was Leo carrying me.

I was gently put down on a couch as I was calming down, I gulped and looked at everyone with worried expressions.

It was kind of funny since they never care about me.

That sounded depressing.

Conner sighed and sat at the end, "What happened?" He asked and I awkwardly chuckled.

"I tripped?" I said but it sounded more of a question, he shook his head slightly and went to the bathroom.

It was dead silent and I didn't like it. Conner came back with a gauze and he wrapped it around my ankle.

"Get some sleep, kiddo," he smiled gently wiping away some tears. I smiled too and laid down, thinking one thing.

Guess who's my favourite brother? ;)




How was that?

What do you think is going to happen to Harper?

Leave it in the comments.

You can also put some suggestions down there, so I can read them over.

That's it for this chapter.

See you all later! 🖤

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