Chapter 45: The Countdown (Finale)

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A/N: Going to give you guys a nice, bonus chapter. Exclusively has cursing in it, just for you guys! So, just a warning. Also, the authors note is REALLY important, so please read it! :)

"It's finally the new years tomorrow!" I exclaim. 

Every new year we all stay home, but that's not it though, we have a party. Usually, I get locked in my room, until the countdown starts, then I get to go downstairs. But that was in the past! Noah said I can invite all my friends and even party! 

"Yeah, now we're having a party, will you help us out now?!" Lee shouts, clearly irritated. I roll my eyes as I examine the new year's poster.

Lee comes back with a ladder, as he and Leo climb it, "Give us the poster."

I hand Lee the gold poster as they both hang it up. It looks casual, very cool though. I decided to go to the kitchen and grab all the drinks we need for this party.

I place all the beverages on the table, next to the bowls of junk food. I grab the classic red recycling cups and put them next to the drinks. 

Now that our food table looks neat, I walk over to Noah and Aaron, who were setting up the DJ set - which was rented, duh. Aaron was on a ladder, he was setting up the disco light.

"Damn, this party is gonna be awesome!" Aaron says, grinning at his work.

"I don't really know how a party works, what's it like?" I ask him. He laughs as he steps off the ladder, running his fingers through his hair.

"Well, one thing, it gets pretty loud. Second, you always want to have a trustworthy friend with you at all times, it gets pretty crazy, and number three, you want to make sure you never ever, grab a drink from someone. Don't even grab a drink when it's on the table, for all you could know, it could have alcohol in it. Just pour some by yourself, there are other rules, but I think you're smart enough to probably know them," he explained. This whole time, he's been giving me this stern look, so I just nodded and shrugged.

"Sounds good to me," I replied. I snuck over to Noah, who was crouched down under the DJ set, checking all the wires.


He jumped up and hit his head on the DJ set, "Shit!"

He turned around, narrowing his eyes, and tilting his head to one side.

I couldn't help but laugh, "Thanks for that, Harp."

"No problem," I replied with a sweet smile. He rolled his eyes and stood up, putting his hands on his hips and sighing.

"Let's see if this baby works," he muttered. Noah nervously turned it on, and a song started playing - something I didn't know, and the disco light came down, spinning around and lighting up the entire room.

Noah pumped his fist in the air, "Finally!"

I gave him a golf clap, "Nice job."

He laughed and grabbed both my hands and started clapping them together loudly, "I deserve better clapping."

I yanked my hands away, "Yeah, okay."

I stepped down and saw Aiden, Lucas, Hayden and Neil, sitting on the couch and on their phones.

I laughed, "Where's Conner and Drake?"

Neil simply pointed behind the couch, not taking his eyes off his phone. I followed his fingers and found them both, eating the junk food hungrily.

"Hey! That's for the party guys!" I yell at them. They stop and groan.

"Come on! We wasted all the junk food on the damn party, we wanted some! That and we ran out," Drake said, practically whining, chips flying out of his mouth.

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