Chapter 30

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"What the hell are those assholes doing here?! Why does Noah have to have douches as friends? Why did we have to go out for a walk? I hate them so much! They're so ignorant-,"

"Harper!" Hayden suddenly exclaimed, cutting me off from my rant and grabbing my shoulders so I shut up.

"Calm down. Let's figure this out calmly, alright? Take a deep breath in and out," he said. I did that and nodded.

"Okay, think about it positively, like, they're not staying here for like a month, right? Plus, it's not like they're coming over every day," he said assuringly.

Neil looked impressed, "Wow, Hayden. You should be a counsellor."

Hayden rolled his eyes.

Suddenly, we heard yelling.

We all looked at each other, exchanging weird looks. What the hell?

Neil cautiously opened the door, Hayden and I trailing behind. We raced down the stairs and saw the last thing I wanted to see.

Dad was looking as drunk as ever, while mom was on the floor, her hand on her face as if she just got slapped.

That's exactly what happened.

"Mom!" I screamed. They both whipped their heads at us, dad looking angry, while mom had tears streaming down her face.

"What the hell, dad?!" Hayden shouted angrily. We heard more footsteps coming down and in the blink of an eye, everyone was here.

"Mom!" Leo screamed and went to go help mom up. Though, dad pushed him away. Who is this guy? This guy is supposed to be my dad, not a freaking douchebag!

Leo clenched his fists, "Stay away from her you asshole! Don't treat your damn wife like this!"

Aaron and Lee sneaked up behind him and grabbed his arms harshly. Leo helped mom up and hugged her tightly.

"What happened?" Conner finally asked.

"This female dog doesn't want to have sex with me!" Dad says fiercely, and obviously, he didn't say 'female dog.'

Everyone tensed at this, "That doesn't give you a reason to flippin' hit her!" Noah growls. He suddenly lunged at dad, but Lucas and Aiden held him back.

"Why don't you pack your bags and leave?" Mom says quietly. Tears edge at the corner of my eyes, why the hell is dad being like this? I still love him, I don't want him to leave.

"Fine. I don't want to live in this dysfunctional family anyways!" He shouted, making me flinch. Dad shoved past me, really hard, resulting in me falling.

He stomped up the stairs as Hayden helped me up. It was dead silent, nothing else could be heard. Why was this happening? I don't like it. Our family is incomplete without him.

He came down the stairs with a suitcase, grumbling something under his breath. Once he was at the door, he was about to open it when...

"Wait! Dad, where are you going?" I asked him, heartbroken. He turned to me with his eyes glaring at me.

"Where do you think? I'm going to a flippin' hotel!" He roared at me. Opening the door, he stepped out and slammed the door shut.

Lee sighed and walked to mom, "You okay?"

Mom nodded while rubbing her temple, "Yeah. I just need some aspirin and head to bed. See you guys in the morning, oh and don't worry about him, he just needs some time."

As she was about to walk upstairs, I grabbed her hand and she turned around, "Is your face okay?"

She smiled but I could tell it was fake, "Of course sweetie." She stopped and furrowed her eyebrows, touching my face, "Are you wearing makeup?"

I froze. How the hell could she tell? I waved her off, "What do you mean? I don't even have any."

She sighed and shook her head, "I might be losing my mind. Sorry sweetheart, goodnight everyone."

We all watched her in silence as she walked upstairs to her room.

When mom slammed her door shut, I burst out in tears. The tears I was holding in the whole time, I didn't care if my brothers were here, if the neighbours could hear me, but what if dad never comes back?

I turn around and attack Hayden into a hug, "What if he doesn't come back? What are we going to do without him? Why did he have to slap mom and get drunk?"

For some reason, Hayden didn't deny any of the things I said.



A/N: Oh my god, this was an intense chapter. Any thoughts on dad? He was being an asshole all of a sudden. It was pretty emotional. What do you think is going to happen next?

What's going to happen with Daniel and the other two guys we have yet to meet. Is Noah going to find out about the fight Daniel and Harper had?

Do you think Harper's dad is gonna come back? I hope he does, I mean I already know what's going to happen, I just wanted to be dramatic.


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