A/N: Sprained Ankle :(

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A/N: Pretty obvious from the title. *sigh*

Well, get comfortable its story time!

Today my friend and I were walking back from Lunch, (we eat at my house) and we got to my school. Once we got there we were walking on a bumpy place so as I was walking I kind of twist my ankle. It hurt so flipping much!

It happened so randomly my friends started laughing. Though they got serious once I started spewing out swear words.

Random fact, I don't like swearing so its rare for me to swear. I only did it because I was in a lot of pain.

Anyways, my friends helped me up (there was the two of us but then my other friend came because she saw me fall down so technically three of us). I was trying so hard not to cry since I was in so much pain, I started laughing. 😂

We all started laughing.

So after that, we got to the front doors. We waited until the bell rang and once it did, two of my friends went their ways since their, not in our class, and my best friend went to her locker, while I got ice from the office. We met up at my locker since ours is like back to back (literally).

Then we went to class. My teacher didn't notice (lol) but that's probably cause I was trying to hide the ice).

Then we had PE...

So first, I thought, were playing ultimate frisbee (I'm not explaining the game cause I suck at it so just search it up if you don't know). I didn't need my gym bag, so I went into the gym and my teacher noticed me limping.

She said just try to do it if you can, and if cant then just sit out. I said okay and went to sign in. We all gathered around, but it was only girls because in this unit we do it with girls. The boys go outside to play football or something.

She picked out the teams (my best friend and I were together!) and we were the team that was going first against another team.

Now, my ankle was okay. I was running pretty damn fast so I thought that my ankle was fine.

Oh, how I was wrong...

Once we were done we had math last period. When we were in class I pulled up my pants to see my ankle and it was... swollen. *face-palm*

It was freaking huge! (Lol that's what she said 😏😉).

I compared both my ankles and, yep, it was bigger than the other.

We were done school and I stayed behind with my best friend. I always do that.

I came back home and fast forward until like 7:00 PM. (School for me starts at 8:40 and ends at 3:30, but classes ACTUALLY start at 8:55).

My mom and dad were really disappointed but not surprised... yep this isn't the first time.

When I was in grade 5 I was at my best friends apartment and we were playing tag. I was running away from her but I wasnt really paying attention to where I was going so I went way too fast down the stairs and twist my ankle while doing it.

Next year (in grade 6) it was lunch and I was going down the stairs for volleyball and I as I was I missed two steps and twist my ankle at the bottom. I actually cried that time because it was WAY too much pain. I limped my way to the gym and as I got into the girls change rooms I started crying (lol). My friend saw me and helped me up and told the teacher, who gave me ice and made me sit out.

So this is the third time in a YEAR. I had to get a cast for grade 5 and 6. If I have to get one this year, I'm literally gonna jump off a cliff. (Okay, I am a way to chicken to actually do that lol).

This was really random, but I just felt like writing about this. My doctor told me that my ankle is really weak now, so that's, why I sprain, it easily. :(

Tell me if you sprained, twisted, or even fractured any of your bones. I have fractured my ankle in grade 6. (Btw if you have forgotten I am in grade 7).


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