Chapter 28

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I scowled at the guy checking me out. I wasn't even wearing anything attractive! 

"Hello, hello, hello," he said to me and his smirk grew wider, "the names Daniel sweet thang." I scrunched my nose in disgust while crossing my arms over my chest.

"What? Trying to flirt with young girls since ya can't get any your age?" I asked tilting my head to one side, smirking. I glanced at Neil at Hayden who shot me a grin.

He frowned but shrugged it off, "Nope. You just seem like a cute girl, and anyway, you got fire! I like it."

"Well, sorry to break the news, but I don't care. Now tell your friends to let go of my brothers," I directed him and saw Neil smile slightly. 

He shook his head and laughed, "No can do sweetheart. You're coming with us." Once he said that Hayden and Neil growled and started thrashing around, but they the two guys holding them are too strong.

Daniel grabbed onto my waist and I screamed. You know, the high-pitched screams girls do, the ear deafening ones. 

I punched his face without hesitating, I was surprised when he fell to the ground, groaning. I snapped my head to the other guys and they were also on the ground.

All three of us made eye contact, but that's when I got pulled back by someone grabbing my wrist. It was the dude who grabbed Neil.

"Witch," he growled, but obviously didn't say witch and instead said a word that rhymed with it. Before I could retaliate, his fist raised into the air and came in contact with my face. I fell to the ground, but didn't give up yet, and kicked his leg with force, and he crashed down on top of Daniel who was about to get up.

I covered my cheek and got up where Neil and Hayden who were watching with dumbfounded expressions, I rolled my eyes.

"Come on!" I shouted at them. We ran like lightning fast and soon reached the house. We were all panting, gasping for air, and bent over resting our hands on our knees.

"We cannot let anyone know about my face," I said. They both looked at my cheek and cringed.

"Harper, it looks terrible," Neil said. 

"Do you have, like, makeup or something?"

I looked at Hayden, "No. Remember, mom doesn't let me wear it, and anyways I hate makeup."

"You should go sneak into moms room and try to put some on," Neil said. I ignored the fact he called my mom, mom.

I nodded slowly, "Good idea. Now come on."

We opened the door, and the guys were still watching movies. They looked in our direction and Noah rolled his eyes.

"You guys scared the crap outta us," he said and Neil grinned.

I already put my hood up and let my hair cover half my face.

"Sorry," he said. I started speed walking towards the stairs until Leo stopped me.

"Hey. How come you have your hood on?" He asked curiously, I tensed and turned around.

"It was cold outside," I told him simply. While I was talking, I was slowly walking upstairs backwards.

"Wait Harper-," I tuned out the rest of his talking and bolted towards my room and closed it.

I sighed and waited for Hayden and Neil to come in the room.

Once they came, we decided to form a plan. We came up with Jade coming over tomorrow and bringing her mom's makeup because she doesn't have any either, and since her mom works a lot she can bring it in no problem, and I don't want to risk getting caught since I get caught really easily.

I sent her the text to be here tomorrow with her moms' makeup and that I'll explain to her once she gets here tomorrow. 

Hayden and Neil decided to stay in my room, and we all watched a movie. I ended up getting pretty tired and falling asleep on Hayden's chest. 

What a crazy night.



A/N: Hey! Two chapters in one day, woo-hoo! Hope you all enjoyed and tell me your favourite part.

Mine was when Harper absolutely OWNED the three guys. This chapter just talks about how girls get harassed, and not only girls. Guys do too, but it's more commonly girls. 

It also talks about how STRONG girls are. Even though Harper is fictional, she's kind of my role model. 


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