Chapter 33

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"I'm very sorry to say this, but, your father was arrested for murdering your mom."

Everyone froze. The world stopped. What the hell did he just say? My dad loves my mom, he couldn't have killed her. No, no, no. He's is so wrong! This can't be happening.

"What do you mean? Stop lying! You do realize that you're wrong and that's not something you should joke about," I shouted at him, but at this point, I was crying because I know he's telling the truth, "please tell me he's lying, Noah! Please, please. Please!"

I'm having a nervous breakdown.

Hayden caught me as I was about to fall, he hugged me tightly, Noah nodded at the police officer briefly, motioning for him to leave. I don't know what's happening, is this what it feels like to lose someone? Holy crap, I think I might faint. Lucas raced to the kitchen and came back with some water. He gave it to me and I took a big gulp, setting it down, I went to hug Lee since he had tears running down his cheeks continuously.

Everyone was either pacing around, crying, running their hand through their hair, sitting down trying to pull their hair out, or drinking some water to calm them down. Can someone please explain to me that this is just a dream and that nothing happened to my mom or dad? I want to see my mom, even though I know she's dead. That thought made me cry harder.

"O-okay, everyone, sit down," Noah instructed. His face was red, he had dry tear marks, and his eyes looked bloodshot, "we need to settle down. I know what happened, this i-is a lot to take in, just everyone, calm down, we all have each other. We can get through this together."

So that's exactly what we did. Taking a deep breath in I exhaled out and continued to do that. I calmed down a little, but as Noah said, this is a lot to take in. I don't know if I can get over this. Suddenly, the doorbell rang again. I got up and went to go get it.

I opened the door and it revealed aunt Cassie and Uncle Xavier. I jumped in aunt Cassie's arms and hugged her as if my life depended on it, she was crying, her makeup was ruined. Uncle Xavier's eyes were bloodshot, and bags underneath them. Aunt Cassie carried me inside as uncle Xavier went to go meet the others. She set me down and knelt down to look at me, suddenly, she burst out crying all over again.

"S-she looks exactly like you!" She cries and I try rubbing her back to calm her down, and it works. I also started crying because I look mostly like my mom, my brothers got my dad's characteristics.

Why is this happening to us?

~One Week Later~

It's been a week. We had the funeral for mom, we went to go meet dad in jail. Let me tell you, it hasn't gone too well. Lee punched him, so we got kicked out. I mean, I don't really care, since he did kill mom, which is way too far. Enough about that, let's talk about family arrangements. Aunt Cassie and uncle Xavier said they wouldn't we able to live with us since they're getting too "old." Honestly, I know why they're saying that our house reminds them too much of mom and dad.

Do they know how we feel? I kind of got pissed at that, but let it slide. Instead of them moving in, they said Noah, Lucas and Aiden can move in. Wow, great! Did you note the sarcasm? Please tell me you did. Anyways, they finally got packed and moved in. Guess what? School starts in one more month.

Were you guys missing Matthew? He surprisingly didn't come over this week, didn't send me any texts or calls and I have a feeling he's ignoring me. I shouldn't really jump to conclusions, but why wouldn't he text or call me? Maybe he has his reasons.

Mom's death is still roaming around our house. I actually have gotten used it now, I really do miss her though. Who can I go shopping with now, huh? I mean yeah, I can go with Jade but it isn't as fun, you know?

Aunt Cassie and uncle Xavier still pay for everything. They decided to move across from us, and I still don't get what happened with moving in with us.

Lee has been distant from everyone, sadly. He's even ignoring his own twin, Leo. I understand though, Lee has always been closest to mom. It was weird, and I think he was her favourite child. He's been locking himself in his room, even though he shares his room with Noah, Aaron and Leo, he just ignores them. He's been kind of a jerk too. Shoving everyone out of the way, giving attitude to Noah, not coming down for dinner, and he almost pushed me down the stairs!

At this point, we don't know what to do with ourselves anymore.



A/N: Oh wow, this is taking a pretty big toll on everyone. I feel depressed after reading this, lol. How do you guys' feel after reading this chapter?

Oh and sorry for lying, I finished studying earlier than I thought, so I decided to make a chapter.

Why do you think Matthew has been ignoring Harper? Oh, and before I forget, I am probably getting a trailer made for Stepbrothers Don't Love! I can't wait.


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