Chapter 6

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I yawned as I opened my eyes, I blinked a few times and noticed that Hayden was laying on the couch too, snoring softly.

I smiled at him. Then I remembered what happened to my ankle, as I put it down it felt very stiff. That's not a good sign.

I sighed and pushed myself up. I didn't put pressure on my left ankle, because that would be stupid. Then again, it is a good thing to do.

I limped my way to the kitchen, I opened the fridge, got out some juice, and poured it for myself. When I was done I went back to the living room to grab my phone.

I left it on the coffee table, but it wasn't there? I looked around and Hayden was still sleeping. Furrowing my eyebrows, I clenched my jaw realizing what happened.

Those idiots took my damn phone.

They really had the audacity to take my phone while I was sleeping? I grit my teeth and limped up the stairs, towards the twins room.

Though when I got to their room, someone swung open the door and I staggered back in surprise. I looked up and saw Aaron with the same face.

"You're awake-," he didn't finish because I just shoved past him and saw the twins, Conner, and Drake. Neil was probably in Hayden's room.

"Wheres my damn phone?" I demanded, and they looked up and raised an eyebrow. Wow, that was a harsh tone.

"Is your ankle okay?" Leo asked, and I sighed.

"Sure. Seriously though, where's my phone?" I asked once more, and I saw Drake holding something behind his back.

I slowly but surely made my way to him, he took steps back, as I took steps towards him. I grabbed his arm and grabbed my phone from him.

"You guys still had the balls to take my phone when I was flippin' sleeping?!" I shouted angrily at them, and I swear I saw Conner flinch.

Lee stood up, "Listen Harp-," but I cut him off.

"What? Enlighten me, what did you do?" I asked him crossing my arms, and they fell silent.

"I finally thought you guys would at least stop annoying me when I got hurt. But no, I was wrong," I said shaking my head walking towards the door.

I slammed it shut and made my way to my room, as I got there, Hayden was walking up the stair. Even though he did nothing I still didn't want to talk to anyone, so as he was going to say something I shut the door in his face.

Poor Hayden.


Someone knocked on the door, and I knew it was my mom because we have this secret knock where you to knock on the door 5 times.

That and the boys just barge into my room.

"Come in," I said. My mom doesn't know about my ankle and I don't know if my brothers have told her yet, I think they did though.

She entered the room and smiled softly at me. She came over and sat on the edge of the bed, placing her hand on my ankle I shut my eyes as she ran soothing circles over it.

"So you tripped, huh?" She asked and I nodded slowly. Mom sighed and hugged me, and kissed my cheek before letting go.

"Do I have to go to the hospital?" I asked her, I hate leaving the house I'm too lazy too. 

"Well, if it doesn't heal then yeah we have to," she said shaking her head. I looked down ashamed.

"I'm sorry mom," I told her sincerely and she smiled at me. 

"Don't worry about it, hun. Just be careful next time," she told me walking to the door. She closed it behind her, as I let out a sigh.

I'm hungry.

I get up and limped to my door. I opened my door to be surprised by Conner and Drake, what was surprising is that Conner had his hand up in a fist about to knock on my door.

That's weird.

I roll my eyes and shove past them but of course, they're not going to let me go easily. So, Drake grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Harp, can you just let it go and forgive us?" Conner asked, and I narrowed my eyes at them. 

"Why? So you can annoy me again?" I said tilting my head. Drake pursed his lips, and Conner took a sharp breath in.

"Harper, can you just listen? We didn't do anything. Lee, Leo and Aaron forced us to do it. We didn't want to but they just threatened us. So just be mad at them, not us," Drake explained. 

I thought it over, "Alright I forgive you. Only if you carry me downstairs," I said looking at Drake. He shrugged and picked me up bridal style, as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

We got down the stairs and he placed me on the couch and got me some leftovers from last night.

Sometimes, ignoring my brothers is fun.


◽E D I T E D◽

A/N: How was that? Hope you all enjoyed!

I wanted to tell you guys how much I appreciate each and every one of you! I feel like I'm going to do really well on this book.

That's it for this chapter. See you all later! 🖤


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