Chapter 16

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I was awakened by the noise of an air horn.

I screamed, jolted up, and looked around frantically. There was a bunch of laughter I couldn't even process anything, but there stood Lucas and Aiden, laughing like the idiots they are.

"What the hell is your problem?! Why do you have an air horn?" I asked, but I shouted while asking, so let's just say I didn't ask friendly.

They finally stopped laughing and looked at me, grinning. I rolled my eyes while Lucas shrugged.

"We know a guy," Lucas said normally and I narrowed my eyes at them.

"Get out!" I screeched and shoved them out but before the door closed Aiden stopped it.

"Come to get breakfast from downstairs-," he said but I slammed the door before he can say more.

What a great morning.

I went inside my bathroom and brushed my teeth, didn't both with hair, and looked at my mirror.

I was wearing my favourite black hoodie, with some basketball shorts I stole from Hayden's room.

I went down the stairs to go get some breakfast and heard a lot of chatter.

Then my phone buzzed.

I looked at it and it was a text from Matthew, I rolled my eyes and ignored it.

I'm still a bit upset from what he did to me, that kiss and everything, but I didn't say I liked it. ;)

I sat down at the kitchen island and Drake served me waffles, I smiled and he returned the gesture.

My phone kept buzzing with texts.

"Turn that thing off!" Conner groaned as I rolled my eyes and read the messages he sent me.

M: Can we hang out?

M: I'm bored.

M: Please, Harper.

M: I know you're ignoring me.

M: Can you please just answer?

M: Look, I'm sorry for kissing your cheek in front of your brothers. I just couldn't control myself.

What the hell does that mean?

I sighed and texted him back but when I sent 'fine lets do it' the doorbell rang.

I widen my eyes as Hayden went to the door.

"Dude wait! I got it!" I screamed and he raised an eyebrow.

I ran to the door and opened it but then shoved Matthew out and I shut the door behind me.

"I like how you're making the moves on me," he said but it came out muffled.

We were really close to each other. Like centimetres apart. I was covering his mouth so he wouldn't yell out or anything. He has his hand pressed against the door, and my free hand on his chest so we can actually breathe. To be honest, I don't know how we got into this.

"Can you please move?" I asked, but my voice came out a little cracked from the contact of him.

I took my hand off his mouth so he can talk, and put that hand on the door handle so nobody can open the door.

He chuckled, "Are you nervous Harp?" I was obviously nervous, but here's the thing, I don't want to have my first kiss when I'm freaking 14, that's way too young!

Well, at least for me.

"Sure you can say that again," I said, taking in his face. He had beautiful brown eyes that could melt anyone that dared to look at him, a cute nose, rosy cheeks, and last but not least, his lips.

Now, I didn't want to stare at his friggin lips because that's weird, but they were really addicting to look at.

I stared at them for a while but when I looked back his eyes, they were staring at my lips and were a darker shade of brown.

I panicked when he started leaning, because like I said, I don't want my first kiss yet!

I wanted to turn my head, but I was frozen in place. Suddenly, the door flew open, which meant that Matthew lost balance and my back was not in contact of the door, so we both fell, him on top, and me on the bottom.

That wasn't it though.

Nine people staring at us.

Matthew got yanked off of me, and I got pulled to my feet. Lee was holding Matthew away, and Leo was holding me.

"It's you again?" Leo asked from behind me, but there was so much harshness in his voice, Matthew and I flinched.

This will not end well.


◽E D I T E D◽

A/N: How was that? Did everyone enjoy reading? Thanks for reading this chapter! What was your favourite part in it?

Matthew really doesn't leave Harper alone, does he? Do you think he's getting annoying now? What do you think is gonna happen next? What will Harper's brothers do?

This chapter was pretty intense though.

That's it for this chapter. See you all later! 🖤


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