Chapter 37

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Everyone left the car, including me. I stared at my school for a minute until I started walking with Hayden and Neil. Here's the thing about Jade, she said she doesn't go to Emery High School, which is my high school, she goes to Sunset Valley High School.

I walked inside, going to my same old locker. I want to have a different locker since I have a locker next to a girl that doesn't really like me for some reason. She has always picked on me but I wouldn't really say she's a bully since she doesn't pick on me to the point I want to cry.

I will never cry, well, after my mom died at least.

Hayden and Neil split up too, I don't really have many friends, only people I say hi in the halls. It's sad really, but who cares? I'm lonely and damn proud!

Once I was done putting everything away, I wasn't fast enough, Emily already was at her locker. She scowled when she saw me and looked me up and down.

"Wow Harper, got uglier over the summer, huh?" She said, her lips spreading into a sly smirk. I rolled my eyes and leaned against my locker.

"Your opinion doesn't matter to me, Emily," I said simply. She scoffed and looked at her nails as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Well, it should and anyways, it's not an opinion, it's a fact. I am the most popular girl in school," she said. I sighed because she's right, she is so popular, it hurts. I actually don't care about popularity for three reasons, number one, you always have people following you, number two, you're probably always in groups, and number three, you have to socialize.

"Whatever," I replied. I started walking over to my advisor before something else could come out of Emily's mouth.

I haven't ever told my brothers about Emily, 'cause as I said, she's not a bully. I don't think I will either and if she does something unspeakable, then yeah, I'll probably tell them. 

I entered my advisor (a class you go to first thing in the morning to do attendance) and smiled at Mr. Miller, who gave me a weak smile before instructing something to the student teacher, Ms. Brown. I really like Ms. Brown, she's in her mid 20's, she's completely sweet.

"Hey, Harper. How was your summer?" She asked as I sat down in my seat, I shrugged and gave her a sheepish smile.

"Chaotic," I answered. She looked confused at first before forming an 'o' shape with her mouth. She shook her head, smiling and sat down on a desk.

"Your brothers giving you a hard time?" She asked, crossing her arms. I slowly nodded, sighing.

"Yeah, though, this is the most uncontrolled summer for me," I said. She laughed and the bell finally rang.  As kids rushed in, my avisor introduced himself to new students.

~What time is it? It's time for Lunch!~

"Hey Harper, over here!" Neil shouted, waving like a madman. I rolled my eyes but kept a smile on my face, walking over to my brother's table.

"Hey guys," I said. I sat down and everyone started doing their own thing. After a few minutes, I saw girls sauntering over to our table, before quickly glaring at me. I rolled my eyes, knowing they come here to get my brother's attention.

They all failed.

I snorted quitely. Suddenly, everything became dark and I gasped.

"Guess who?" Someone whispered, stretching out the 'who.' I tsked and took off their hands, while turning around.


I smiled and then widen my eyes, looking back at my brothers. They were glaring at Matthew, while having a annoyed look on their faces.

"Yo," Matthew said casually nodding his head at them and sitting next to me. Matthew, Hayden and Neil actually started chatting, which was weird. Maybe their finally loosening up to him.

"I know right," some girls said, next to me. They looked upset, so I decided to listen.

"That isn't fair you know," another one said.

"Why don't they have a basketball team for girls?" That caught my attention. There isn't a basketball team for girls? That's... unusual.

I was already up, my brothers and Matthew giving me looks, "I need to talk coach." 

"Why?" Drake asked.

"I want to try out for basketball."



A/N: Now you know Harper likes basketball. I have always wanted a character to play basketball, especially a girl. I actually really wanted to play basketball this year, or at least some sport, but I chickened out. :/

If you have something you like, don't be afraid to take chances! :3

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, if you haven't seen my annoucement, I got a bad mark on my test.

Thanks for reading! ♡ 

Thanks for reading! ♡ 

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