Chapter 24

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"Lucas, please wait!" I shouted, but he just ignored me again.

"Everyone, come downstairs!" Lucas cried and I widen my eyes. I tugged on his arm to let him stop but it was too late so I laid on the floor and pretend to be dead.

"Harp, get up. Stop acting like an idiot," Lucas ordered and I mentally rolled my eyes. This is it, I'm going to die. I hate myself, why did Matthew have to do that? Why did Lucas and Aiden have to come inside my bedroom? I-

"What happened?!" Someone yelled and I jumped up to my feet. Noah came flying down the stairs and looked around.

"Nothing, I just need everyone to come downstairs," Lucas said calmly. I didn't know what to do so I started running, but Lucas easily pulled back my shirt to make me stay in place.

"You're not going anywhere Harp," he said creepily. I shuddered and hanged my head.

Soon enough, everyone's downstairs looking as bored as ever.

"So, what's up?" Conner asked and Lucas shrugged.

"I saw Matthew straddling our baby sister in her room, on the bed," Lucas said bluntly and I felt my cheeks burn up as they all stare at me.

"That's it?" Noah asked, and we all whipped our heads in his direction.

"What do you mean? Matthew was on top of Harper on the bed," Lucas said more slowly and Noah shrugged.

"I heard you, alright. I mean, were they naked?" Noah asked and the twins coughed but said nothing.

"No," Lucas said quietly and Noah grinned.

"Well, there's your answer. Were they making out?" He asked and I gulped looking down.

"They were about to," Lucas said and I slapped his chest.

"No, we weren't!" I said, but my voice cracked a little. My voice always cracks when I try to fricken lie.

"Yeah, okay," Noah said nodding slowly, "as long as he doesn't take Harper's virginity, we'll be fine."

I chocked.

"Dude! Ya can't say that so bluntly!" I exclaimed and he shrugged.

I looked at everyone, and to my surprise, they don't look mad.

Everyone started walking upstairs, going back to whatever they were doing. I smirked and looked back at Lucas.

"Suck on that, Lucas!" I said teasingly and ran upstairs.


After a little while, the doorbell rang so I went downstairs to open it. I opened the door to be surprised by two cops holding onto Drake.

I narrowed my eyes, "Hello miss. How are you doing today?" The guy asked and I shrugged.

"I'm fine, you?" I asked and he nodded and smiled.

"I'm good. This your brother?" He asked and I nodded slowly, they both sighed.

"He was with his friends in the mall. We caught him stealing ma'am," the other one said. I rolled my eyes and glared at Drake who was sheepishly smiling.

"I'll have a talk with him, thank you. Have a great day!" I said and yanked Drake by the ear, and slammed the door in the cops face.

"What the hell is the matter with you?" I asked sternly. He shrugged and rolled his eyes.

"My friends dared me to. I'm sorry," he said and I sighed.

"Why the hell would you listen to them?" I asked curiously.

"They said if I didn't do it, they'll tell Jessica I like her," he explained blushing.

"Oh my god. Am I really related to you?" I said pretending to think and he shoved me while going upstairs.

I walked to the kitchen and saw the twins and Aaron, they saw me and smiled.

Ever since that incident with the three barbies, they've been way nicer. It's actually starting to creep me out now.

"Hey, Harper," Leo said and I furrowed my eyes but said nothing.

"Are you still mad at us?" Aaron asked and I sighed.

"No. I'm just a little scared, 'cause you're all acting weird. Can you stop it?" I resolved and they raised an eyebrow.

"You want us to annoy you?" Lee asked and I shrugged.

"I guess I'm really used to you guys annoying me, it's weird if you guys act nice," I said and they exchanged looks before grinning.

"Well in that case," Aaron said before throwing his juice box at me, it hit me square in the head and they all laughed.

I rolled my eyes but still kept a grin on my face, "See ya."


◽E D I T E D◽

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter, did you enjoy it? I want to keep this book entertaining still, so if you guys don't mind, will you comment suggestions down below?

If this book keeps on having the exact same chapters, you guys might not like it anymore. I don't want that to happen.

That's it for this chapter. See you all later! 🖤

 See you all later! 🖤

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