Ch. 1

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1 Year Ago

-Celia's POV-

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring in my ear. I didn't feel like getting up but I knew if I didn't soon my dad would be rolling through with a bucket of water in his hands. I had learn about that special wake up call the hard way. I got up and went to my connecting bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then I looked through my dresser for something to wear.

I finally decided on a white flower brawler top, faded skinny jeans, and white flats. I then went into the bathroom to put on a little foundation and mascara. I liked to keep the natural look. I didn't want to look like one of those plastic barbies who caked there face with makeup.

Once I decided I looked decent enough, I went downstairs to see my mom in the kitchen and my little brother, Kenny, sitting at the island bar. Dad was probably already off to work as usual I thought as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie, can you drop your brother off at school for me today?"

"Ugh, do I have to." I whined.

"Yes you have to."

"Fine." I said as I grabbed some toast and spread some nutella. Nutella is literally life. I felt as though I was in heaven right now. As soon as I was finished I went towards the door to grab my keys.

"Kenny, let's gooooo." I said as I drew out the o.

"I'm coming. I'm coming. No need to be impatient, you can wait a little." Yes sometimes my brother could be the King of Sass. I went to my Kia soul and started it. As soon as Kenny got in, he gripped his seat preparing for the ride. You could say I wasn't the world's best driver but I was good enough to get where I needed to go so I was fine.

"I think you are over reacting. I'm not that bad."

"Yeah, say that to the thousands of bent mailboxes."

"Shut up." I said as I sped down the street.

As soon as we got to Kenny's school, I literally kicked him out my car. I only had 5 minutes before first bell rang.

I rushed through my school's doors with a minute to spare. As I was walking to first period, I ran into a something. And when a say ran into, I mean ran into. I was knocked off my feet by whatever was in my path.

As I was getting my stuff, I saw a hand reach down to help me. I took it gratefully and as the person helped me I saw who it was, The Matt Espinosa. It seemed as though I was frozen. We have gone to the same school my whole life and I started to develop a little crush. I mean I've always liked him and thought maybe there was a little chance of us. But as soon as he started getting famous from his vines, I knew there was no hope.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by Matt talking to me.

"I'm so sorry. You okay?"

"Um, uh...." I probably sounded like a blubbering idiot but I eventually gained enough brain power to say a few words.

"Um, uh...yeah."

"Okay good, see you around." he said as he walked around the corner. As soon as he left I must have gotten my brain back and was able to function normally.

-Skip to Lunch

As I walked through the cafeteria, I saw my friends and sat down. I sat between my best friends Shelby and Ariana. We have been best friends since first grade.

"Hey girls, whatcha talking about."

"Oh, nothing." Ariana said with a smirk on her face

"Seriously, what's up. Shel, Ari" I looked at Shel knowing she wouldn't be able to stand the secret for long.

"Okay fine! We saw you talking to Matt before Mr. Peterson's class"

"Really Shelby!"

"Sorry, I couldn't hold it for long."

"Any way, what were you two talking about?"

"Honestly it was nothing."

"Come on Cece, don't hold back on us!" Ari whined, obviously wanting to get some gossip.

"Seriously it was nothing. I just ran into him and he was helping me off the ground. See nothing."

"Mmhm, I'm watching you two." Ari said narrowing her eyes thinking there would be more to it.

"Well I ship it, Catt for life."

"We have to actually be a couple to be shipped or even talk for more than a sentence."

"I still ship it." Shel said like a stubborn 3 year old. After lunch, I started walking to Ms. Scott's class. It was the only period I had with Matt. Matt. Just the thought of him sent butterflies through my stomach.

I walked in and sat towards the back of the room.

"Class today you will be working on a quarter long project with a partner." You could hear people starting to pair up.

"That I will assign." There were groans through the rooms

"Okay partners are Katy and Mike, Sara and Michelle, Rebecca and Mikey, Noah and Leo,....." Ms. Scott drowned on until I heard my name next.

"..., Ava and Rachel, Celia and Matthew,..." I couldn't believe what I just heard. Was I hearing things or was the fates finally being on my side. Whatever it was it left me stunned in my seat and I could barely hear Ms. Scott talking.

"Sit by your partners and start planning." I saw Matt walking towards me. I didn't even know he knew who I was. As soon as he sat down next to me, I felt the butterflies come back and I slowly started to lose brain function. After a little of an awkward silence he started talking to me.

"How about we work on this at my house? I can met you outside after school."

"Uhhh...s-sure." I was sounding like an idiot again. After the bell rang, I ran out before I could embarrassment myself even further.

-After School

I walked outside looking for Matt. After a couple of minutes I finally spotted him and started to walk over. As I got closer he saw me coming.

"Oh hey Celia."

"Um hey. Um by the way call me Cece."

"Ok, ready to go?"

"Uhhh...yeah sure. Are we walking or.."

"Oh yeah we can take my car" And with that we walked to his car and got in.

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