Ch. 17

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-Celia's POV

"We should play truth or dare." Hayes suggested.

We were all just sitting around in someone's hotel room so everyone agreed to it.

"No guy on guy action." Cameron said shaking his finger and getting into the circle.

"Okay and no girl on girl action." I said with a shrug. The boys groaned a little before we were finally ready to start.

"I WANT TO GO FIRST!!!" Mahogany yelled.


"Taylor, truth or dare?"

"Of course dare. I'm not a weeny."

"I dare you around in the hallway only in your boxers and screaming."

Taylor stripped down right there. We followed him out the door as he started running and screaming.

He even knocked on a few doors as he passed them. Taylor tried run back in before the people opened they're doors.

Everybody sat back down laughing.

"Haha now it's my turn." Taylor looked around the circle to pick his victim.

"Taylor why are you still just in your boxers?" Mahogany asked, he just shrugged. It took a little work but we were finally able to get Taylor to put his clothes back on.

"Anyway, Aaron truth or dare?"

"Dare of course."

"I dare you to propose to someone in the loby." We followed Aaron downstairs and he had even grabbed a ring pop before leaving the room.

We all watched as Aaron walked up to some old lady and got down on one knee.

We were too far to hear what he was saying but you could see the confused look on her face. She obviously declined because Aaron fell into a ball of fake cries in the middle of the lobby.

When we all sat back down in the hotel room, Aaron picked someone next.

"Hmm...Jack J."


"I dare you to put a couple of ice cubes down your boxers."

"Are you fucking serious!?"

"Do it! Do it! Do it!" Everyone joined Aaron in the chant until Jack J got up and went into the little mini kitchen thingy in the room.

Jack J walked back out with some ice in his hand.

"Here goes nothing." He dropped them in and immediately started jumping around trying to get them out.

"COLD! COLD! COLD! COLD!" Jack J was doing his little jump dance until I guess he got them out because he sat back down again.

"Okay now Mahogany, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to make out with Cameron for 10 seconds." She looked over at Cam and he was blushing slightly.

They were across from each other in the circle so they started crawling to the middle.

They looked at each other one last time before there lips connected. Jack J was keeping time and after awhile he yelled done.

"Okay Mahogany pick." Jack J nudged her.

"Cece, truth or dare."

"Truth." The boys booed me a little but I flipped them off.

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