Ch. 18

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A/N: Sorry if you might be confused about this chapter. Basically, it picks up from the introduction. Ch. 1-Ch.17 was a flashback of Cece and Matt's relationship. This chapter is now back to the present.



Tears were rolling down my face. I hadn't even realized I was crying.

I sat up to try to do something with my sad little life. I soon regretted that.

As I sat up, I saw Mattasaurus in the corner of my room. It made me remember back to the day of the fair.

I missed him but he can't think that he can treat me like that and me be fine with it. I'll just have to learn how to move on.

I was still sitting mopping in my own self pity when my phone buzzed.

From: Shel 🐚

Open your bedroom door. It'll cheer you up.

To: Shel 🐚

What are you talking about?

From: Shel 🐚


I sighed as I got up to open the door. I saw Ari and Shel standing with movies in their hands.

"What is going on?"

"Movie Night!" They both rushed into my room before I could say anything.

"What did you bring?"

"Is that even a question?" I already knew what they brought; Mean Girls, LOL, and High School Musical.

Ari put Mean Girls first into my Mac Book Pro and started the movie.

We were all settled on my bed. Ari and Shel were on the outside and I was in the middle with my laptop in my lap.

I hadn't even thought of Matt the entire movie night. Ari and Shel decided to stay over.

"See I told you we would cheer you up." Shel said as she walked from the bathroom to the edge of my bed.

"Yeah you defiantly did. I would just been sitting her miserable in the pile of my own tears."

"We'll forget about that jerk. If he can't realize how to treat you right then he doesn't deserve you." Ari said.

"Yeah, you're right. He hasn't even tried talking to me. I just need to move on."

"Oooh, you know what will help? There's this new kid named Brent Rivera. He's really cute and in our grade."

"I don't know." I said with a little uncertainty.

"Come on Cece, just give him a chance. He's super nice and funny. You know what? I've talked to him before and I'm gonna invite him over." Ari pulled out her phone sand dialed his number.

"I don't want a boy I don't know to come to my house!"

"Fine, we can meet him somewhere. How about that pizza place down the road?"


"I'll say 9 so that you can get ready." As Ari called Brent, I went into the bathroom.

As I got out the shower I put on the clothes I had already pulled from my closet. I put on a comic print crop top and jeans.

I looked into the mirror to see the birds nest on top my head called my hear. I brushed out the knots and put it into a high ponytail.

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