Ch. 30

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It's been a couple of weeks since Matt has officially moved out to LA. It's been a lot of fun having him around.

Me and Matt decided to have a lazy day. We were just sitting around Matt's apartment.

I was playing trivia crack before I went onto Twitter. I clicked searched and looked through my mentions.

I knew I probably shouldn't have done it but I always have been one of those people who cared about what people thought.

At first people were saying they liked my videos or I was a good singer. Suddenly I started to see less and less of those nice comments.

Eventually it was just a steady stream of hate. As if Twitter was trying to spare my feelings by giving me a layer of fluff before hitting me full on.

Just one negative comment after the other

@Camsofine: Why does Cece think she all important cause she on YouTube.

@Nashpotatoes: That slut Cece can't take our Matt away #whodoesshethinksheis

@Magcon_Diva: Cece's just some stupid skank that Matt will dump soon enough

Just one after the other. I didn't even realize I was crying until I saw the teardrops fall onto my screen.

I know I'm shouldn't be doing it but I couldn't seem to look away from the screen or stop my finger from scrolling.

Someone started to take away my phone. I looked up to see Matt locking it and putting it in his back pocket.

Then he sat on the couch beside me and pulled me on his lap. I curled into a ball and cried into his chest.

He rubbed my back whole silently quieting my cries.

"I just don't understand why they do that. What did I ever do to them? I mean I know I'm supposed to ignore them but it's kinda hard when they're always there."

"I know but they don't see how beautiful and smart you are. I don't know how they don't see such a warm and amazing person. Just please don't read them." I lifted my head from his chest and looked up into his eyes. They were glossing with tears that were threatening to come.

"Please, for me." He begged looking right at me. I nodded before placing my head down. My eyelids started to get heavier as I slowly drifted to sleep.

I woke up in his bed, Matt probably brought me up here. I slowly walked out the room looking for Matt.

He was leaning against the counter with a cup in his hands. When he saw me coming, he put the cup down and opened his arms.

I walked into his arms and snaked my own arms around his waist. We hugged for what felt like forever when he pulled away and pecked my lips.

"What did I ever to get someone so amazing?" I asked after pulling from the kiss.

"I'm the lucky one but seriously I don't want you looking at those things, okay?"



"Promise." I stated before he led his lips back down to mine.

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