Ch. 34

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All the old Magcon people were in town so we decided to go out for some lunch. Matt and I walked into the restaurant and of course we were one of the last to arrive. Leave it up to Matt to try and do everything last minute.

There were two available seats towards the end of the table and we both gladly took it.

"Glad you could finally make it." Taylor said sarcastically. Matt rolled his eyes.

"Leave it to Cece to take for ever to get ready." Matt said accusingly.

"Me!? You were the one who didn't start getting ready until 5 minutes till we have to be there."

"Yeah well that's because it only takes me five minutes to get ready!"

"Ah the sound of a loving couple." We turned around to see Mahogany walking towards the table. She smiled before taking the last seat.

"Okay now that everyone's here." Aaron spoke up getting everyone's attention.

"Some of us have important news."

"So what is it?" Nash yelled out impatiently.

"Well those of us who aren't already out here in Cali are going to move out." Shawn cheered.

"That's great. The old gang back together again." Cam said. There were cheers all around the table.

"And it turns out we all moved in yesterday so we're already here and ready to party!" Mahogany said excitedly. Another round of cheers was heard from the table. We all enjoyed the lunch, happy that everyone will be close again.

It turns out they all got apartments in the same building as Matt and I. Taylor, Aaron, and Shawn were roommates. Jack and Jack were roommates and Mahogany had a place to herself.

It fun to think that we can all just talk face to face whenever we wanted to now. We decided on having a movie marathon/sleepover like the good ol' days.

Everyone met up at Mahogany's already dressed in pajamas.

"You ready to get this party started?" Mahogany yelled every time someone new came. People were scattered around the room, some on the couch and some on the floor.

Matt and I cuddled up on the couch sharing a blanket.

"So what do you wanna see first?"

"Annabel?" Can suggested. There were sounds of agreement so Mahogany put in the DVD. Before sitting down she dimmed the lights.

We had two giant bowls of popcorn sitting in the coffee table for everyone to share from.

Nash picked up some of that popcorn and threw it at Jack J. He threw some back but it ended up hitting Shawn.

Soon everyone was engaged in a full out popcorn war, not even paying attention to the movie anymore.

I laughed as popcorn was stuck in Carter's hair. Laughs were filling the room as people got hit. It was nice to have fun with all your friends around.


Only 4 more chapters to go but don't worry, there will be a sequel.

Oh and don't forget to check out my other book, From the Beginning.

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