Ch. 16

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"Cece get up." Mahogany shook me. I just pulled the blanket higher over my face.

"We can go prank the boys." she said in a sing songy voice. That defiantly woke me up.


"Well I've got some silly string and we can do Smack Cams." I got up and grabbed the whipping cream from the little kitchen thing we had in our room.

Mahogany was already loaded with silly string and waiting by the door.

"I guess it's a go on operation wake the boys." We walked off to the first room, Taylor and Aaron's.

I don't know why but Bart had given us a master key card to check in on the boys which was a really stupid idea. (#thanksbart)

I walked over to Aaron and Mahogany went to Taylor's bed. We had decided to Smack Cam them.

Mahogany had her phone out to record it on Vine. I counted down to three than smacked Aaron harder than I thought on the face.

I felt kind of bad because he was just so adorable. They both popped there heads and we ran out before they got a good look of us.

Next we walked into Jack and Jack's room. For them we decided silly string. Mahogany opened Vine again and we emptied the cans on them.

Now onto Shawn and Hayes room. We both had buckets of water for them. I got Hayes and Mahogany got Shawn.

We continued our little pranking spree to Nash and Cams room. We had the whip cream in in our hands and smacked at the same time.

We did Carter and Matt last since their room was closest to ours and we could make a quick getaway.

Since they were last, we had something extra special planned for them. We both had a bucket filled with water and shaving cream then we would empty out the last of the silly string.

Afterwards, I grabbed Mahogany's wrist and ran to our room. I locked the door and fell onto my bed.

"That was awesome!"

"I know, we got them good." Right then there was a knock at our door. I looked to see all the boys standing in front of the door. I quickly ran to Mahogany.

"Mahogany, they're here. Just pretend like we don't know what happened." I opened the door to all of the boys.

"Oh hey guys. What happened to you!?"

"You know exactly what happened." Nash said. Some of the boys were still dripping wet. I turned to Mahogany to try and hide my laugh.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I've been here the entire time, right Mahogany?"

"Yeah. We've just been sitting here on our phones." All the boys smirked at us before throwing buckets of water at us.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!" Mahogany screamed.

"That's what you get for waking us up like that." Cameron smirked.

"We are so going to get you." The boys ran to the elevator while me and Mahogany took the stairs. We were on the fourth floor so it wasn't that bad.

I spotted them in the lobby and Mahogany jumped Shawn and tackled him. I did the same to Nash.

"CECE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" Matt screamed coming to us.

"Matt calm down."

"Yeah dude, we were just playing around."

"It didn't look that way to me."

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