Ch. 27

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Today was the day, today was the day we were going back home. We had been out in LA for about 2 weeks and we decided we should probably go back.

I was just sitting around the hotel with nothing to do while watching YouTube videos. Watching all these videos made think that I should make a YouTube video.

I haven't really song again since that one time I did at Magcon, so I decided to give it a shot and make a cover channel.

I did everything I needed and when I get back home, I'm going to buy a camera and lights to start filming.

Matt started to stir right beside me in the bed. I watched as he slowly started to wake up. It probably was a bit creepy to stare at him as he woke up but I couldn't help myself.

He opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times to get used to the light. Then he looked up at me.

"See you decided to finally decided to get up. You do know we're leaving today?"

"I have a growing body, I need as much sleep as I can get. Besides, I'm basically packed and ready to go."

"Yeah, cause that looks like a packed suitcase." I looked over to Matt's suitcase by the wall. It was wide open and there was clothes thrown everywhere near it.

"Okay maybe not everything is packed but I can easily get it done."

"Whatever, go get a shower so that we can leave soon."

"Yes, mother." I rolled my eyes at his reply and watched as he left the bed in just his boxers and walked over to the bathroom.

While he was in there, I decided to pack his things do we could get out faster.

By the time I was done packing everything, Matt had walked out the bathroom and dressed.

"Ok since you're now ready, we should probably start heading out, our plane leaves in 4 hours."

We grabbed our suitcase and walked down to the elevator. we were quiet while on the elevator. I watched as the numbers of each floor went by before it binged and the doors opened to the lobby.

We arrived at our gate with a few minutes to spare. Matt and I had seats together again so the when plane ride we just sat and talked.

Once arriving at at the airport, we got Matt's car out of the parking lot and he drove me home.

"I had a lot of fun on this trip with you." Matt said as he pulled up in front of my house.

"I did too, love you."

Up in my room I decided to text Ari and Shel.

To: Shel🐚 & Ari 😜😝
Hey what are you up to?

From: Shel🐚
Nothing, hbu?

From: Ari 😜😝
Look who decided to show up

To: Shel🐚 & Ari 😜😝
Whatever Ari. I was wondering if you wanted to come over?

From: Ari 😜😝
I'm up for it

To: Shel🐚

When they both arrived, we sat around my room talking.

"So what did you guys do in LA?" Ari asked interestingly.

"We hung out with some of the other Magcon guys who lived out there. We went to a party by the O2l guys. Me and Matt got in a little argument but we're good now."

"I bet you it was because of something Matt said. You and Matt always seem to be in some sort of argument."Shel commented.

"Okay yeah Matt did start it but we don't argue all the time."

"It just seems a bit of an unstable relationship."

"It would be unstable if we didn't argue." Right at that moment Jenn called.

"I'll be right back." I told Ari and Shel as I got up and walked into the hallway.

"Hey what's up."

"Me and Rebecca just moved into a place down here in LA and we were have an extra room. So we were wondering if you wanted to move in."

"Oh my god, that would be so much fun. Yeah I would love to."

"Great. Can't wait to see you again, bye."

"Bye." I walked back into my room to see Shel and Ari in the same positions I left them in.

"Who was that?" Shel asked when she saw me walk in.

"Oh Jenn."

"Wait Jenn as in JennXPenn?" Ari jumped all of a sudden waiting for my answer.


"You didn't tell us you knew her, she's one of my favorite youtubers."

"I met her and Rebecca Black at the O2l party and we've hung out."

"You met 2/5 of the Fab Five?!?!" Shel yelled out.

"I didn't know you guys knew them like that. So I guess you'll faint when I say I'm moving in with them too."

"Really?!?! When we come to visit, we can see Jenn and Rebecca." Ari said.

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