Ch. 21

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It was finally prom night. I was in front of the mirror applying the last of my makeup. I step back to get a fuller look of myself, I actually looked decent for once.

"Cece, your date's here." I walked down the steps carefully since I had heels on. Brent watched me the entire time I was walking down the steps. When I reached the final step, Mom herded Brent and I together.

"PICTURE TIME!!" Mom took about a billon pictures before I was able to get me and Brent out the house.

"Sorry about my mom." I said as he got into the car and started to drive down the road.

"No problem. Now I have plenty of evidence that I went to prom with such a beautiful girl." I instantly blushed.

Pulling up in front of the school, I saw people filing into the gym with their prom dates by their side. It was such a magical night to see everyone dressed up, after all this is an important day for your high school years.

Walking in with Brent, I could see the theme was some sort of similar to a Midnight in Paris type thing. Scanning the gym, my eyes landed on the last person I wanted to see right now.

Even in the dimly lit gym, my eyes landed on Matt's staring intently back at me. I quickly looked away and tried to pay attention to what Brent was saying.

-Matt's POV

My date, Casey, was droning on about some new band that popped up. Honestly she just never stopped talking.

Zoning out, I looked around the gym when I saw Cece walk through the entrance. She looked stunning in that dress. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

Eventually her eyes locked with mine for a quick second before she turned back around to Brent.

I feel like such a jerk for what I've put her through, but I still want her to be mine. If only Brent wasn't in the picture, maybe it would be easier to get her back.

I miss everything about her. Her smile, the way she laughed at the smallest things, and most importantly I missed her eyes filled with joy and happiness.

I tried going back into whatever Casey was saying but I just kept finding my eyes wondering back to Cece. After awhile I decided, tonight is the night that I get my Cece back.

-Cece's POV

Every so often I would catch Matt staring at me. I tried to ignore it but it was really distracting to try and talk to Brent when I could feel a pair of eyes on me.

Brent went to the bathroom and I was sitting bored at one of the tables set up. A shadow washed over me.

I looked up to see Matt looking back at me. I had a look as if 'what do you want'.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me out into the hallway. I tried turning around but he grabbed me again.

"Cece, please just listen to me for one second."

"Why should I listen to you" I sneered. I had to keep a strong front so he couldn't see how much I wanted him.

"Cece please. I know I really messed up. I just wanted to say I am so sorry. I didn't mean what I said, I was just jealous."

"Matt I get you can be jealous, but that doesn't give you the right to call me a slut and whore in the same fucking sentence. Besides you got all your little girlfriends who are dying to be with you."

"But they aren't the ones I want, you are." Before I had time to respond he pulled our bodies closer, closing the gap.

For some reason I found myself staring into his eyes. What surprised me even more is when he started to lean in, I was doing the same.

As our lips fell in sync, I felt the same fireworks that I felt when I first kissed him. We were interrupted by a voice I knew all to well.

"CECE!!!" I turned staring into the red eyed Brent.

"Brent, please let me explain."

"Explain what!? That you go around like you actually like me then as soon as I turn my back you go around kissing douches like him."

"Brent it just came unexpected."

"It sure didn't look you were going to pull away anytime soon." Brent stated before turning and walking out of the building.

I sat there with tears in my eyes as I watched the back of his head disappear.



I'm back. More heartbreak in this chapter.

I think I'm gonna do a double update today.

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