Ch. 19

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"If you said that a couple weeks ago, I might have said yes but you didn't. You cut off any contact and made it seem like it was my fault that we broke up but you did this to us. You were the one acting like an un trustful jerk. I'm sorry Matt I just can't do it again." I turned around and walked down the hall meeting Brent by his car.

"What's going on between you and Matt?"

"He's just an ex."

"What happened between you two? You don't have to answer if it's too personal."

"He didn't trust me though I never gave him a reason to. He also would act like a jerk."

"Well, I would never treat a pretty girl like yourself like that."

"Thank you Brent." He held my hand with the hand that wasn't on the wheel. He subconsciously rubbed circles with his thumb on the back of my hand.

-Matt's POV

I just sat and watched her walk away for a second time.

How could I be such an idiot to think that she would just take me back after not talking to her for weeks.

I just thought that she was too mad at me to wanna talk. Now that I see she will talk, maybe I can make her jealous for her to come back. I saw a girl who I think was named Lizzie.

I might as well talk to her, it's not like Cece will talk to me again.

"Hey Lizzie." She looked up and her eyes widened when she saw I was the one who called her.


"Yeah, your name is Lizzie right?"


"How about we hang out tonight." She shook her head so hard that I thought it would fall off.

"I'll pick you up at 8."

"Okay." She skipped off outside. She seemed like one of those girls who hung onto your every word.

Cece would always hand her own opinions. That's one of the things I love about her.

-Celia's POV

I walked into school and saw something that I never wanted to see.

Matt had his arm around some girl as they were walking.

I know I said that I was over him but I was lying to myself. I still missed Matt and I wanted his arm around me not some random girl.

I knew he didn't actually want me back, he already had another girl the next day.

I felt Brent's arm around my shoulder. As we walked past Matt, he turned around and kissed the girl who I saw was Lizzie.

The entire time he was looking directly at me. I see the game he's playing, well two can play at that.

I pulled Brent down and kissed him in front of Matt. When we pulled apart, I could see the anger in his eyes. I just smirked as we walked away.

"What was that for."

"I don't know, I just did it." I didn't want to tell Brent it was to make Matt mad. He was actually a sweet guy that I actually liked. It just seemed Matt was giving a challenge and I accepted.

For the rest of the day, when we saw each other we would do lovey dicey stuff with the other person.

"How about we do movies at my house?" Brent suggested. I just shrugged not really in the mood of actually go out somewhere even though it was a Friday.

When Brent opened his front door, his sister Lexi was sitting on the bench. They started a little sibling fight over something ridiculous and I thought it was funny. I guess that's what me and Kenny look like to other people.

Once they were done, me and Brent walked upstairs to his room and cuddled in his bed as the movie started.


I know it's kind of short but it's kind of a filler for the next chapter.

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