Ch. 14

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I woke up in a different room than I fell asleep in. Matt probably brought me back to my room I thought as I got up.

No one else was in the room. I went to the bathroom to shower. The shower is the only place where I feel relaxed the entire time.

After stepping out I dried off and put on my clothes. I had on a a daisy crop top with black leggings. I grabbed my black beanie.

I walked back to the bathroom to curl my hair. I grabbed my phone off the dresser and saw that I had a text from Matt.

From: My Dino 😘😏

We're all downstairs at breakfast if you wanna come down.

To: My Dino 😘😏

Be down in second

I pressed the button to the elevator and waited for it to come. As I walked through the lobby I saw all the boys sitting at a table.

Matt saw me coming and patted the empty seat next to him. As I sat down he kissed me on the cheek.

"Hey Magcon starts later today. Are you coming on stage?"

"Nah, that's you guys thing. I'll just sit backstage."

"You sure?"

"Yeah I don't want to get in the way. Trust me I'll be fine backstage."

"Okay, but I'll check up on you during."

Everyone packed into the limo towards the venue. Matt pulled me onto his lap halfway there. I took a selfie but didn't post it because we haven't really told the fans about us. I wanted to give the relationship a bit more time and I didn't really want hate right now.

We pulled into the back entrance so that we could sneak in. You could hear the girls screaming in the front entrance. It's hard to believe this all happened in a couple of months.

I sat in the backstage lounge while the boys waited for their names to be called. LOX was already on stage because she had to introduce them.

I was just sitting on the phone when I heard someone come over. Matt walked over to me and kissed my cheek.

"I told you I would visit." He grabbed a water bottle and sat next to me.

"Matt go back out to your adoring fans. Some of them probably came a long way to see you, I can see you anytime of the day."

"Sorry I wanted to see my hot girlfriend."

"Don't call me hot." He laughed before getting up to go back up on stage.

"Goodbye beautiful." He winked at me. After the performances and meet and greet, we all left through the back into the limo again.

We all walked into Nash and Cameron's room and just sat around.

"Guys lets go to the beach." Mahogany yelled.

"Let's go get a wave." Taylor shouted. We all started to singing starships before leaving the room to go change.

I got to our room first so I was able to change in the bathroom.

I put on my black bikini top with a dark purple bottom. I put on a pair of jean shorts and a plain white tank top over my swimsuit.

I walked out to see Matt waiting for me on my bed. He was of course on his phone. I swear five minutes can't go by before Matt gets back on his phone.

"You ready?"

"Yeah. Let me just grab a few things." I grabbed my phone and sunglasses off the dresser.

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