Ch. 7

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-Celia's POV-

As soon as the question was out of his mouth, I kissed him. I soon flipped him on his back while still kissing. He smiled into the kiss and it turned into a make out session. After awhile we pulled apart to catch our breath.

"I'll take that as a yes then." I lied my head down and listened to his heartbeat. Not in the creepy way but just hearing the soft rhythm while his chest feel up and down.

"We should probably get going. It's getting late."

"Yeah my mom is gonna start wondering soon." Matt packed up the blanket and basket and we walked back to his car holding hands. Before I could reach for the door handle, Matt opened the door for me.

He walked me to my front door before going inside I gave him a good night kiss.

I ran up my stairs before my mom could integrate about my night. I closed my door and slid down it.

I just sat there thinking about everything that happened.

"Matt Espinosa is my boyfriend." The realization of that started to sink in.

-Monday Morning

Today I don't feel like doing anything

I just wanna lay in my bed

Don't feel like picking up my phone

So leave a message at the tone

'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything

My Monday alarm started playing Lazy Song by Bruno Mars. I slowly got out of bed and went to my closet.

I pulled out my pink floral blouse and pink skinny jeans. I walked into the bathroom and changed and put on my makeup.

Grabbing my white converse, I walked downstairs into the kitchen. Like usual my mom and brother were already there.

As I was sitting at the island bar I felt my phone ring.

From: My Dino 😘😏

U want me to pick you up?

To: My Dino 😘😏

Yeah sure

From: My Dino 😘😏

I'll come in 5

To: My Dino😘😏


I finished eating, grabbed my bag and ran out the door. As I walked out, I saw Matt pull up in his car.

He came out and opened my door for me.

"Oh, look whose being a gentleman."

"No, it's called being a good boyfriend." 5 minutes later we pulled into the school. It just hit me that this would be the first time we would be going into school as an us.

We stepped out of the car and he took my hand and we interlocked fingers as we walked into the school.

If looks could kill, I would have dropped dead with the first few steps I took.

We walked in and met up with Shel and Ari. Ari immediately saw our hands and gave me an 'I called it' look.

"Hey Cece, anything interesting happen over the weekend." She said while motioning towards our hands.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I leaned my head on to Matt's shoulder.

"Yes you do. Would you please tell me." She said with a smirk. She wanted me to prove her right but I was just as stubborn as her. She might have been right but I wasn't about to admit.

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