Ch. 13

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"Babe wake up." I felt Matt shake me awake. We were one of the last people to leave the plane.

"We're going to meet all the boys at the hotel."

"Ok." We were waiting by the baggage claim for our suitcases. Once we saw them Matt grabbed them even when I insisted on getting my own.

We climbed into the cab and drove to the hotel.

I looked out the window at the beautiful city as it rolled by. I've always wanted to come and now I was finally here.

Matt payed the taxi driver and we walked into the lobby.

"You excited to meet the boys."

"Can't wait. Though I'm a little nervous, what if they don't like me?"

"They are going to love you." We stepped out the elevator and Matt walked me to my room. It was going to be me and another girl named Mahogany.

I dropped off my bags and Matt met me outside my room. We walked towards another room that everyone must be in.

As we got closer you could hear yelling from the other side. They probably got a lot of complaints from hotels.

Matt knocked and a boy with blonde streaks in his brown hair opened the door. His eyes were icy blue, they were a bit mesmerizing.

They did the whole bro hug thing. I kind of just sat there a bit awkwardly.

"Nash this is Cece." I gave him a small smile and he pulled me into a bone crushing hug. This boy must be really into hugs.

We walked into the room and everyone was basically sitting there on their phones. My kind of people.

Everyone looked up as we walked in. It made me feel a little self conscious.

"Guys this is Cece." I gave a small wave and everyone introduced themselves.

"I'm Cameron." He looked a bit older than the rest.

"Taylor." He was wearing a bandana

"Jack." He had blond hair.

"Jack." He sitting right next to the other Jack.

"I'm Aaron." He was adorable

"Hi, Shawn." He had a guitar in his lap.

"Carter." He was wearing a snapback.

"Hayes." He looked a little like Nash, they were probably brothers.

"Mahogany." She was wearing cat ears. I'm happy I won't be the only girl here.

Matt sat on one of the beds and pulled me over next to him.

"Matt wouldn't stop talking about you." Cameron said.

"Shut up." Matt tried to punch him but Cameron dodged it.

"Oh I miss Cece." Blond haired Jack said in a high voice.

"Cece is so beautiful. I can't wait to see her again." Taylor said, matching Jack's high voice.

"Cece this, Cece that." Cameron continued. I giggled a little. It was funny seeing Matt embarrassed about it and turning red.

He tried hiding his face in his hands while looking at his phone.

"I think it's cute." I whispered in his ear. He turned smiling at me before kissing me.

"Matt get some!" One of the boys yelled. Matt looked down at his phone while giving them the middle finger. He got embarrassed so easily, it was cute

We sat around for most of the day until someone suggested McDonalds.

When we sat at the table Matt sat on one side of me and Mahogany sat on the other. Me and Mahogany talked the entire day and we were actually getting pretty close even though we just met.

"So how did you and Matt come to be?"

"I always had a little crush on him when we where in school together. I guess he kind of had the same feelings cause now we're dating."

We were all walking around. I jumped up on Matt's back. He was surprised for a second but he held onto the back of my thighs.

All the boys were goofing around. Everyone once in awhile Taylor would do duck noises then scream a random word.

We were getting dirty looks from everyone we passed but no one really cared.

I hopped off Matt's back and walked next to him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

I was really having a lot of fun with everyone. I've never laughed so much at one time.

They excepted me so easily. By the time we got back to the hotel I was a bit tired but the boys still had tons of energy. I don't know where they get it from. We all decided to watch a movie in Nash and Cameron's room.

After awhile of arguing, we picked That Awkward Moment, The Conjuring, and The Neighbors. You can probably guess who picked what.

I sat in the middle of one of the two beds. Matt sat on the right side of me and Nash sat on the left.

Halfway through The Conjuring I started to feel more tired. I've already seen it so I wasn't really scared plus I loved scary movies.

Everyone else was jumping every time and I couldn't help but laugh a little. Matt looked at me like I was crazy.

"How can you be laughing right now? You should be covering your eyes right now and using me as a shield."

"One, I've already seen this and I love scary movies. Two, you're using me more of a shield."

"Can't you just pretend you're scared so that I could be the protective boyfriend?"

"Oh Matt I'm so scared." I said in a sarcastic tone as I clutched Matt's arm.

"I'm going to scare you one of these days and you will never see it coming."

"Yeah okay." A pillow went flying and hit Matt in the face.

"Hey love birds shut up. Some of us are trying to watch." Someone from the floor said.

Matt through the pillow back in the direction it came from.

I leaned on Matt's shoulder and I started to drift to sleep. Matt played with the ends of my hair.

I soon fell asleep in Matt's arms.

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