Ch. 10

133 5 1

-Week Later

-Celia's POV-

I was driving to the airport to pick up Matt.

We skyped every single day he was gone. I can't wait until I can hug him and hold him again.

I waited by the gate for him. When I saw him come out if the tunnel, I jumped on him and hugged him tight.

(A/N: Relationship goals!!😍)

I missed his scent. I missed his touch. I just missed everything about him.

I know it was only a week but it felt longer.

After what felt like forever I let go of him and we walked to my car.

"I missed you baby girl." He softly pecked my lips.

"I missed you too. It felt like you were gone a whole month."

"I wouldn't be able to survive a month without you."

"Me neither. I love you."

"I love you forever and infinity." We got in the car and I started driving to his house so that he could drop off his luggage.

After we did that I started driving to nowhere in particular.

"So where are we going for our day together?"

"What about the fair then we can go get Panera."

"You know exactly what I like." I drove in the direction of the fair in silence.

It was a nice silence. We were just happy that we were in each other's presence.

When we got there, we went straight to the line for the rides.

I love the crazy rides. The first one we went on, the line went by pretty fast. Next thing you know it, me and Matt were on the cart all the way in the front.

After the rides, we did a couple of the game booths. Of course Matt wanted to try and win me a stuffed animal from one of the booths.

He got me a big stuffed T-Rex from the ring toss. I had to of course name it Mattasaurus.

The last thing we did was ride the Farris wheel. We got into a cart together and when it got to the top it stopped.

The view from the top was so beautiful, I didn't even realize we were that high.

After the fair we drove over to Panera. While we sat down and ate, Matt told me about all the silly little things he did during Magcon.

That included of course about 20 smack cams, some youtube videos, and other little pranks they pulled on each other.

I drove Matt back to his house and when I pulled up we sat there for a second.

"You know I love you right."

"Of course and I love you too. Like you said, forever and infinity." He smiled and kissed me goodnight and I drove off to my house.

When I opened my door I was greeted by my mom. I forgot they were back home.

"Where have you been young lady?"

"Out and about."

"Out and about with who?" It was like we were playing 20 questions. She did this every time I went out.


"Oh, your project partner?"

"Well we're kind of dating now?" I said more as a question than an answer. As I said that my dad walked in.

"Well I would like to meet this Matt boy you seem to be dating."

"Yeah sure. Maybe we can do it tomorrow?"

"Sounds good to me." My dad walked out the room but I could feel my mom still looking at me as I walked upstairs.

I laid on my bed and pulled out my phone.

To: My Dino😘😏

I hope u didnt make any plans for tomorrow night

From: My Dino😘😏

Why 😏

To: My Dino😘😏

My parents want to meet u

From: My Dino😘😏

Ok I'll be there

He took this better than I thought he would. I thought he would freck out a bit but it didn't seem like it.


It's a bit short but I thought it was sweet

Thanks fir 300+ reads. I'll try to update sometime tomorrow

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