Ch. 8

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-One Week Later

-Celia's POV-

I woke up and trudged out of bed when I realized I had school. I went into my closet and put on black and white leggings with a white crop top. I went to my bathroom to do my makeup.

I walked down stairs and pulled on my black vans. I grabbed some toast and went out to my car.

I drove to Ari's house first and honked to let her know I was there she came out in a white shirt the said 'L❤️VE' in black and black leggings. She had her hair curled to perfection.

"Can I have your hair?" She looked at me like I was crazy.

"It always looks so perfect." She laughed at me as I pulled up to Shel's house. She must have seen my car because she walked out before I could honk.

She was wearing black pleated skirt and white t-shirt that had Mickey Mouse on the front. She had her hair in a high pony tail.

I drove into the student's parking lot at school and got out to meet up with Matt.

"Hey baby." He stood behind me and put his arms around my waist.

"Hey." I turned around and kissed him. As we kissed, a teacher came by down the hall.

"No PDA." We pulled apart and when he turned the corner, Matt kissed me again.

"Ohhh, looks like I'm dating a bad boy."

"You know you love it babe."

"So what if I did?" I asked teasing him.

"We could do this." He grabbed my wrist and we started walking down the hall.

We walked to the front doors. Matt looked to see if any teachers were near by then he walked out the doors dragging you along with him.

"Matt what are you doing?"

"Bathing a unicorn. What does it look like I'm doing?" We walked to his car, I was about to go in then I remembered my car was here too.

"Matt my car is still here."

"So, leave it here." He pulled me into his car and drove down the road.

We stopped at a Starbucks. Matt and I walked in and ordered.

Matt ordered and payed even though I tried to pay again. When we got our drinks we took a table in the corner.

"Why won't you ever let me pay?"

"Because you're my princess and I should be able to give you whatever you want no matter what." I was looking into his eyes and I could tell he actually meant it.

"Aw, my little bad boy has a soft side." I smiled. It was sweet that he thought that.

"There's a party tonight you wanna go?"

"Sure. I need to get my party on."

I did a little awkward dance in my seat.

"You're lucky you're cute because that right there was not."

"You don't like my dancing babe?" I faked hurt while clutching my heart.

"Not at all."

"At least I know that you'll be honest with me."

"You know it. Now come on let's go do something fun."

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