Ch. 9

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-Celia's POV-


"Matt wake up!" I whispered yelled.

"5 more minutes babe." Matt turned in the bed with his eyes still closed.

"Get up I need to ask you something." Matt sat up and kissed my cheek. He leaned back down on his elbows while looking at me.

"What is it?"

"Did we do anything last night?"

"No, you passed out at the party. I brought you back here and don't worry you put the clothes on yourself."

"What about your mom, she probably wouldn't like seeing a girl laying in your bed."

"She's probably downstairs somewhere. We're fine." Right then the bedroom door opened and a boy walked in.

"Hey Matt mom wants you down-" He looked and saw me.

"Oh whose this little lady in your bed?"

"Michael what are you doing here?" (A/N: I have know idea what his brothers name is)

Michael completely ignored Matt's question and kept talking.

"You know mom wouldn't like this girl-"

"Cece." Michael rolled his eyes when Matt said that.

"You know mom wouldn't like Cece laying in your bed like this."

"I was going to drop her off back at her house soon anyways."

"Whatever just get her out soon." Michael closed the door but reopened it a few seconds later.

"Oh, and mom is coming up the steps now." Matt and I looked at each other with worried looks before Matt got up to see if Michael was telling the truth.

"She's not coming. Sorry about Michael, he can be an ass sometimes."

"It's no problem." I got up and found my dress and shoes laying on the floor.

"How am I supposed to get out without your mom seeing me?"

"Um, you can go out the window and wait in the backyard. I'll met you in the backyard then we can go to my car so that I can drop you off."

"Sounds like a plan." I kept on Matt's clothes because it would be easier to climb out the window. I jumped into the backyard and waited for Matt.

I hid myself a bit just in case his mom came out. I soon saw Matt coming from the front yard to the back.

"Cece, where are you?" Matt whispered. I came out from where I was hiding and walked towards Matt.

He saw me and we started walking towards his car.

We got in and he drove down the street.

"How did you get pass your mom?"

"I just said I left my wallet at a friend's house." Matt pulled up in front of my house.

I gave him a quick peck on the lips before opening the car door and walking out.

As I walked through the front door, I decided to call the girls over. We haven't hung out just us in awhile.

I called Ari first as I laid on the couch. She picked up after a couple rings.

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