Ch. 33

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As I woke up, I noticed I was wrapped in Matt's arms. Everything felt so right and in place when I was laying with him. Matt woke up soon after me. He looked down at me and cracked a smile.

"Hey beautiful." I smiled admiring his features. We stayed like this until I heard a knock at the door.

I looked over at the clock on the night stand and saw that it was only 10, none of our friends would be up at this hour let alone at our door.

I slipped out of the covers to see who it was. Matt put out his arms like a three year old wanting to be picked up.

"No don't go." He could be so dramatic sometimes. I ignored him as I found something to wear before going towards the door.

I opened it and my mouth opened in shock and surprise. I couldn't believe they were standing in front of me.

"What are you guys doing here?!" I excitedly hugged Ari and Shel. It feels like forever since we've seen each other.

Don't get me wrong, we talked all the time on skyp and facetime but it's been awhile since we've seen each other in person.

"We wanted to surprise you."

"Well you have achieved that." At that moment Matt came walking in with just sweatpants on.

"Arianna, Shelby? What are you guys doing here?"

"Wondering the same about you." Ari snapped, her and Matt never really got along after the whole truth or dare thing.

"I live here, you have no excuse." Ari and Shel looked at me shocked.

"Do you live with him?" I nodded my head.


"Because I love her. Besides we don't need your fucking permission." Matt answered back. I turned to glare at Matt before inviting them in.

I pulled Matt aside as they continued on inside.

"Matt can you guys just get along." He rolled his eyes.

"Please. For me." He sighed heavily before nodding.


"Thank you." I kissed his cheek before joining the girls.

"So what've you guys been up to back home?" I plopped down between them.

"Nothing it's pretty boring, especially school. How's your YouTube channel?"
Shel questioned.

"It's a lot of fun and I'm starting to meet some cool and interesting people from it."

"Do you want to go somewhere to eat?" Matt suggested.

"Me and Cece just woke up. Have you guys eaten yet?"

"Not since the plane and it was disgusting." Shel got up with a smile on her face.

"Sure, fine." Ari huffed. I gave her a warning glance before we started leaving the apartment. Matt quickly ran to put on a shirt before closing the door and locking it.

We ended up going to IHOP. The hostess led us to a booth. On one side was Matt and I and on the other was Shel and Ari.

After ordering what we wanted. We continued to catch up. Throughout the whole thing Matt and Ari kept glaring at each until I just couldn't take it anymore.

"What is the matter between the two of you?" I looked between the both of them.

"I'm just giving back what I'm receiving." Matt said pointing to Ari. I looked at her waiting for an answer.

"What now I'm the bad guy. I have always been by you're side, especially when he hasn't and I'm the one who get's blamed."

"You always start it and I've forgiven him."

"Well sorry I'm not being stupid enough!"

"Excuse me!? We all make mistakes and if you can't support the decisions I make, then maybe we shouldn't be friends anymore." I quickly got up and stormed out.

-Matt's POV

"Look what you did?" Shelby said turning to Ari.

"Me!? What about him?"

"He didn't make Cece storm out, that was you."

"I'll go get her." I said before climbing out of the booth and looking for Cece.

I saw her figure walking down the street and I quickly chased after her. I grabbed her shoulder and turned her around.

She looked up at me with tearful eyes before collapsing into my arms.

"I don't want to be the reason you had a falling out with Ari. I'll do all that I can to be nice turn her. I want you to ruin a friendship over me. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault. I just wished she could support the decisions I make even she doesn't completely agree."

"Come on let's go back and you can talk it out with her." She nodded her head as I led her back.

As soon as Ari saw her walking through the door, she ran up and Cece in a tight hug.

-Cece's POV

Ari ran up and gave me a tight hug, which I soon returned.

"I'm sorry for what I said. If you forgive him then I forgive him." Smiled with tears still present in my eyes. Twars started to come to hers as well.

We hugged again, happy to still be friends again.

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