Ch. 28

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All my things were packed and sent out to LA. I just had a suitcase full of clothes for the last few days before my flight.

Matt wanted to drop me off at the airport to be the last one to say goodbye.

"Hope you have fun out there. Don't forget your little ol' boyfriend while you're out there in the big city."

"Matt you're moving out there in a couple of weeks."

"I know but that doesn't mean I won't miss you Cece."

"Well.." I started the sentence while wrapping my arms around his waist.

"We can Skype everyday to catch up on everything that will happen."

"I like that idea." Matt leaned down and kissed me on the lips. As we pulled away, my flight was called.

I tried to walk towards the gate but Matt held onto my hand.

"I don't want to let go."

"Matt come on, I need to go. I'll see you in person in a couple of weeks and we're going to Skype each other day. Now let me get on."

"Fine." He let go his grasp on my hands.

"Love you." He called out to me.

"Love you too." I called back.

Landing in LAX. Both Jenn and Rebecca picked me up and they drove us to the house we were going to share.

"Welcome to you're new home Cece." Rebecca pulled up into the driveway. We all stepped out and walked towards the door.

When we walked inside, there was more space than it looked like it would be.

"Here let me give you a tour." Jenn said while closing the front door.

"So this is the living room and over there is the kitchen, right though that doorway is the dining room." She pointed each place.

"Come on follow me upstairs." We walked upstairs and there were four doors.

"So that's my room, that's Rebecca's, that is the bathroom, and then that right there is your room. You can go put your stuff in their now if you want to." By mid-afternoon, I had all of my things in my room. The things I sent ahead to LA was already in my room so I unpacked all the boxes.

Me, Rebecca, and Jenn were watching Grey's Anatomy sitting on the couch.

"Are you guys as bored as I am right now?" Rebecca said hanging upside off the couch.

"Yeah, what do you wanna do?" Jenn said looking up from her phone.

"I don't know what were you thinking?"

"Let's make a video for our YouTube videos. Cece you can be our special guest."

"Actually I started a YouTube too."

"Really what are you gonna do on it?" Rebecca asked sitting up.

"I was just gonna do covers and challenges." I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh my god that would be awesome. You should film a video too."

"Okay." Jenn and Rebecca went to get their lights, cameras, and what other stuff they had

"Hey guys what's up it's Rebecca and I'm here with my good friends Jenn and Cece."

"Hi guys." Jenn waved to the camera.


"Anyways today we're doing the dizzy challenge." Rebecca continued the intro.

After Rebecca's video, we gave ourselves sometime before doing Jenn's video.

For her's we did types of friends. We were having so much fun and kept laughing that I bet it was going to be a nightmare for her to edit.

Once they did there's, it was onto my first YouTube video.

We decided to do the shock ball challenge.

"What's up you guys. Today I am surrounded by these lovely people right here, Jenn and Rebecca." They both waved at the camera.

"So today we are doing the shock ball challenge." I didn't know that little ball would hurt as much as it did.

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