Ch. 24 (Part 2)

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We met up with Cameron and Carter outside of In-n-Out.

I ran up and hugged them both.

"It's been so long."

(A/N: Baby we're fireproof)

"I know, we missed you." Cameron said as we all sat down.

"Is it just you guys or is everyone out here?"

"Just us, Mahogany lives in Cali but everyone else is off somewhere though the Jacks come and visit a lot to record music." Carter said.

"We can still have fun with just us!" Nash yelled.

We were all sitting around eating when I saw a fry fly towards me. I looked up to see Cameron with a slight smirk.

I of course had to throw one back to even out the score. It eventually turned into everyone throwing fries.

Walking through the parking lot, I was still picking fries out of my hair.

"We could head over to our house to chill if you want to." Cam suggested.

"Sure." Me and Matt hopped into Nash's car while Cam and Carter walked to another car.

Arriving to their apartment, I walked into what I thought it was going to look like. A complete mess, it was like a tornado went through it. I'm glad me and Matt got a hotel.

Tiptoeing through the mess, I successfully made it to the couch without stepping on something mysterious.

The boys just walked like it was nothing and started talking.

We hung out there for a couple of hours just catching up on everything. I forgot how funny these guys were.

I was currently sitting on the bed in me and Matt's room while Matt was in the shower.

I decided to go on Bandsintown to see if maybe someone interesting was playing nearby.

I nearly fainted when I saw One Direction Where We Are Tour was coming to LA in a week. I was a directioner by heart, I just couldn't get enough of those 5 human specimen of perfection.

Just as I was in the middle of having my little panic attack, Matt walked in through the bathroom door.

"Cece, you okay?" Matt said giving me a strange look.

"No I am not. One Direction are going to be in town."


"So, they will be in the same town as me. There is no chance in hell I'm not going to be there. Do you wanna come with me?"

"I dunno, the boys will call me whipped for going to a One Direction concert."

"Never knew it was a bad thing to be a good boyfriend."

"No, Cece it's not like that."

"Save it Matt. I'm just glad I know where your mind is at. Goodnight."

I laid down on the bed and stayed on my side of the bed.

Matt's POV-

I don't know why Cece got so mad. I just didn't want to go to the concert.

In the morning I left before she walk up and drove to Nash's house. Knocking on the door, Nash opened it and let me in.

I plopped down on the couch as Nash sat on the other couch.

"Where's Cece?"

"Back at the hotel."

"What did you Matt?"

"Nothing. Absolutely Nothing. She's going to the One Direction concert and wanted me to come but I said I didn't want to because I know you guys are going to call me whipped."

"Matt you are such an idiot."


"She wanted to share something that she loves with you. Then you tell her that you care more about your friends' opinion then hanging with her. That is why you're an idiot."

"Oh my god. What is wrong with me? I gotta go."

On the way there I bought two tickets to the concert.

I walked into the hotel room to see Cece still asleep. I walked to her side and crouched down in front of her.

"Cece." She woke up rubbing her eyes, looking like a cute little puppy.


"Look." I showed her my phone conformation of the tickets and her eyes immediately got a hundred times bigger.

She leaped out the bed before I could get up and jumped on me, knocking us both over.

"Wait there are two tickets. I thought you didn't want to seem whipped." She immediately got back up.

"I know, it was stupid for caring what the guys thought. Please I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm just happy you're coming with. It wouldn't be the same."

-One Week Later

Cece's POV-

Me and Matt were walking to our seats near the front row. I can't believe I'll be that close to them.

When One Direction came on I was so excited. Every song was perfect. When little things started to play, Matt wrapped his arms around my waist and we swayed to the song while I had my iPhone flashlight on.

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