Ch. 26

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I woke up to the ringing of my phone. I got up from Matt's hold on me to go check who it was. I slid the green button to accept.


"Hey, It's Rebecca."

"Oh, how are you doing."

"Good. I was just wondering something."

"Sure what is it?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me and Jenn."

"When and where do you want to meet up?"

"Um how 'bout the Starbucks on Hollywood blvd at around 2."

"Ok I'll meet you there." I hung and walked back to the bed where a sleeping Matt laid.

"Baby wake up." I tried shaking him. He didn't wake up so I straddled him. This will surely wake him I thought.

He still didn't so I started kissing all over his face. This woke him up.

"This is a nice way to wake up." He said looking up at me.

"I had to get you up some way." I responded before getting up and walking towards my suitcase.

"No babe come back." He whined from the bed.

"Not a chance Espinosa. I'm meeting up with Jenn and Rebecca for a little girl's day." He sat there pouting as I walked to the bathroom.

After getting everything done, I walked out to see Matt in the same state I left him in.

"You know you could hang with the boys or something."

"I know but I don't feel like getting up."

"Well then don't be complaining about me actually doing something." I walked over to his side of the bed and kissed his cheek.

"See you later, baby." I said as I walked to the door.

"Bye babe."

I arrived at the Starbucks Rebecca wanted to meet up in. I saw her and Jenn sitting at one of the tables, with drinks already in their hands.

I ordered my drink then say over with them.

"So what were you guys thinking of doing?" I said as I sat down.

"Well we could do a little shopping then just walk around and see what else we could do."

"Okay, let's start." We all stood up and walked down to the mall since it wasn't that far.

Our first stop was Wet Seal. I got a couple of cropped tops and some high waisted jeans. Jenn got a few more jeans and Rebecca got a couple of dresses. We then went to Nordstrom's and got a couple new shoes and boots.

In each store we stopped at, we all got a couple of things. By the time we were done it was already 6.

"Hey we should go to dinner and invite the boys." Jenn suggested

"Okay we can meet up at that restaurant that just opened up."

"Sure. I'll go back to my hotel to drop these bags off, get ready, and tell Matt our plans."

"Cool, I'll let the O2L guys know. See you at around 8." I decided to call Uber and they drove me back.

I came busting through the door with the many bags I had and saw Matt watching tv on the bed.

"Hey baby." He said when I walked through.

"Hey, me and the girls were wondering if you wanted to come to dinner with us and the O2L guys."

"Ok let me go get ready." While he did that, I went through some of the new things I bought and put on a dress that I had gotten from Macy's.

Once Matt stepped out if the bathroom, I went to fix up my makeup and changed anything that didn't match my outfit.

"You ready Cece?"

"Yeah let's go." I called back.

When we got to the restaurant, pretty much everyone was already there. The hostess led us to a large table towards the back and everyone looked at the menu to see what they wanted.

Soon the waitress came around to take everyone's order.

"You ready to order ma'm."

"Yeah, I'll have the spaghetti bolognese."

After everyone ordered, the waitress left to put the orders in.

"Cece are you sure you want to get the spaghetti? You don't want to pack on anymore extra pounds." The entire table went silent as they heard what he said.

I looked at Matt shocked by what he just said. Instead of responding I just got up and walked out the door, tears already starting to form in my eyes.

Matt's POV-

Cece just walked without saying a word to anyone and everyone was looking at me.

"What's her problem?" I asked Connor who was right across from me at the table.

"Matt you basically called her fat." I looked taken aback by what he said. I didn't do that, did I?

I got up from the table to try and chase after her.

Cece POV-

I was walking alone down the street, trying to walk away as far as I could from Him.

Is that really what he thought of me? I looked down at my body, I hadn't noticed that I had put on some weight.

The tears just kept falling as I replayed over and over what he said. As if my luck couldn't have gotten any worse, it started to rain. The one time it rains.

Soon my tears mixed with the rain and I couldn't tell anymore if I was crying or if that was the rain running down my face.

As I continued walking I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see Matt trying to catch up with me.

I turned back around and walked faster away but he soon caught up with me and turned me around to face him.

He snaked his arms around my waist so that I wouldn't try to leave him again. Suddenly the ground became increasingly interesting to me.

"Cece I am so sorry, what I said was completely out of line. I don't even know why I said it." I still looked down at the ground, not wanting to look into his eyes.

"Cece please look at me." When I still didn't, he pulled my face up to look at his.

"Is that really what you think of me Matt?" He looked hurt by my statement.

"Not at all baby girl. I am so so so so sorry. You can't believe how sorry I am." I saw the sincerity in his face.

"I forgive you." Matt leaned down and passionately kissed my lips. We sadly pulled apart to catch our breath.

"I've always wanted to kiss in the rain." I commented before he pulled me back for another kiss.

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