Ch. 24

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I woke up feeling the sun on my face. Opening my eyes I saw that we were still on top of Matt's car.

"Shit, Matt come on get up!" I tried waking him up. My mom is so going to kill me for this.

"Matt get up!"

"What? Shit!" As he opened his eyes, he must have come to the same conclusion as I.

We both hopped into the car and Matt started to drive off.

"I'll drop you off at your house, okay?"

"Yeah that fine." Matt pulled up in front of my house and I snuck around the back.

Going through the back door, I knew my parents probably wouldn't be awake being as it was still 5 in the morning.

"Where were you?" I literally jumped 3 ft into the air. I turned around, not really wanting to, to see my mom sitting at the table.

"Uhh. Matt's house?" It came out more of question.

"What were you doing at Matt's house so long?"

"I fell asleep on the couch while we were watching a movie."

"Hmm. I don't believe that for a second but I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you aren't lying."

"You are the best mother in the world." I ran up the stairs before she had time to change her mind.

I decided to call Matt to see how he faired. After a couple of rings he picked up.

"Hey what's up?"

What did your mom say?"

"Grounded for a couple of days. What about you?"

"I 'fell asleep on your couch'. So no trouble here."


"Wait if your grounded, how do you have your phone?"

"My mom's horrible at punishments. She took nothing away, I just basically have to be inside the house."

"Oh, so it's not that bad."

"Yeah. Well I got some homework to do, call you later?"

"Sure." I hung up and fell back into my bed. Not long after I got pretty bored.

What to do? What to do? I thought as I paced around my room. I decided on calling Shel and maybe hang out with her. Shel picked up pretty quickly.

"Hey Cece, what's up?"

"Absolutely nothing. I am so bored right now I think I might just lose my mind. Wanna hang out?"

"Sure, why don't we head to the mall?"

"Why not? I could use some new clothes."

"I'll pick you up in 10."

"'Kay, I'll be ready by then." After hanging up, I walked over to my closet.

I picked out a plain white shirt with some jeans and a pink scarf since it was getting a bit colder.

By the time I finished up the bun I making with my hair, I heard Shel honk out front.

I ran down and got into the car, giving my mom a quick kiss goodbye on my out.


"Hey." Shel started the engine and drove off.

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