Ch. 32

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-A Month Later

Matt and I cuddled together on the couch watching tv. We've been living together for around a month and I already noticed Matt's bad habit.

He would literally leave things all around the house. I would find pizza crusts on the floor covered by a shirt he took off and threw on the floor.

Matt reached for his drink while his eyes stayed glued in the tv. Him not paying attention made him miss the cup and knock the soda over. It spilled on the coffee table and started to drip down to the floor.

He just grabbed a shirt from the floor and threw on top before settling back on the couch. I looked at his actions with disgust written on my face.

"Um Matt aren't you going to clean it up?"

"Ehh Later." He just waved his hands in a dismissive way and continued to watch the tv screen in front of him.

"That's disgusting. You always do this. Why not just clean it now?"

"What does it matter to you?"

"In case you've forgotten, this is my house too."

"I'm the one who pays the bills so I can do whatever I want."

"Oh okay, you wanna play that game? Fine then I'll just leave your house." I put air quotes around your house before going up to what used to be our bedroom. I pulled out a bag and started to throw clothes in it.

-Matt's POV

I sat thinking about what just happened. I looked around the room and realized it is kind of filthy.

I quickly cleaned everything. I heard Cece walking back down the stairs. She had a bag in her hand and was walking towards the door I quickly tried to stop.

I grabbed onto her arm as she tried to open it.

"Please don't go." She turned around facing me.

"I'm not gonna live here if it looks like a pig sty and if everytime we get in an argument you pull the paying rent card."

"I cleaned up and I promise it will never look like that again. I also promise that I will never say that again because this is equally both our houses. Please just don't go, I love you so much." I looked into her eyes pleading. She started to drop her bag.

"I'll stay. I love you, too." I smiled before leaning and slowly, but forcefully kissing her.

-Cece's POV

He pushed me against the front door as we continued to kiss. I kissed down his neck. My lips soon traveled back up to his lips. We continued to kiss as we headed to our bedroom.

He fell onto our bed so that I was on top. He ripped off my shirt and threw it in a general direction. He kissed down from my collar bone to my belly button. He traveled back up to neck and sucked on, most likely leaving a love bite for the morning.

I took off his shirt as he started to unbutton my pants. We were soon in only our underwear.

I guided Matt's hand towards my underwear. He played with waistband a little before pulling it down. I pulled his own underwear down and he flipped us. He slipped on a condom hovering over me.

"Are you sure?" He asked with his hands around my waist.

"Positive." He shook his head okay before starting. You could imagine what happened next.

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