Ch. 31

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I woke up to the ringing of my phone. I don't remember putting an alarm, I mean why would I it's Saturday.

I looked at the screen seeing it was Matt before sliding my finger across the screen to accept.

"Why are you calling me so early?"

"It's one, that's not early at all."

"By my weekend standards, that is early."

"Anyway, wanna hang out with me, Jc, Kian, and Ricky?"

"Sure. Where are you guys?"

"Their house."

"Okay I'll be there soon." I hung up and got out of bed to get dressed.

I put on a plain black long sleeve shirt with black pants and boots. I then grabbed my infinity scarf with mustaches on it and walked out the door.

I arrived to their house in half an hour. When I knocked Kian answered.

"Haven't seen you in forever." He said after closing the door behind me.

"I know bleached Bieber." I laughed, he laughed too and we walked over the the living room.

"What are you guys laughing at?" Jc asked, who was laying on the couch.

"Oh just her nickname for my new hair." Jc nodded in understanding.

"What do you guys wanna do?" I asked sitting on the floor in between Matt's legs with my back on his chest. He later his arms around my waist and I played with his hands absentmindedly.

"Let's ride some penny boards, it feels like forever since the last time we did it."

"I've never used one."

"So now I guess we could help you and Ricky."

"Naw, you guys can go without me, I have to film my main channel video. Good luck Cece with penny boards." Ricky left to his room.

"I'll grab the penny boards and meet you guys outside." Kian got up as well towards his room.

"Don't be scared just go." I was currently in the middle of yet another one of my tries to ride.

"I can't."

"Come on Cece, I know you can do it." Matt encourages through me a thumbs up.

I breathed in slowly and deeply before kicking off and slowly riding down the street.

After awhile I stopped myself without running into anything. I ran up to Matt and hugged him.

"I did it!!!"

"I know. That was a great start." He kissed the top of my head before him, Jc, and Kian rolled up down the street quickly.

After a couple of times of them doing that. Matt stop in front of me.

"Come one Cece, ride with us."

"I prefer watching you guys do it, go ahead." He looked at me for awhile longer trying to make sure I was alright. Finally he started off again.

They soon stopped and Matt and I decided on leaving since it was starting to get late.

Matt decided to come over to my house and hang out a little bit. Matt was laying on my bed leaning against the headboard. I rested my head on his chest and laid next to him. We were watching the chopped on my tv.

"Um....Cece." He muted the tv.

"Yeah?" I looked up at him and he looked nervous about something.

"I was wondering if maybe....." He trailed off without finishing his sentence.

"Maybe what?" I sat up, getting more worries about what he was going to say.

"If maybe you would want to. I mean you don't have to, I would totally underst-" I cut off his rambling with a kiss.

"I would love to move in." He had a giant smile on his face before leaning back in for the kiss.

It quickly depends and he pulled me on top of him. His lips traveled down to my neck and his hands made their way to my shirt. I was starting to get nervous as to where this would lead to because it would be my first time.

He started to pull it up when I had to pull away and move his hands.

"Matt wait." He got off me and looked at me with worry.

"What's wrong?" I sat up a little and played with my fingers, something I did when I was nervous.

"I..It's my first time and I'm don't think I'm ready yet."

"That's fine. Take as much time as you need." He pulled me into his side and we cuddled for the rest of the night till I feel asleep.

-A Week Later

"You got everything?" Matt asked as he closed up the last box. Today was the day I was moving in with him.

"Pretty sure."

"Okay then let's go." I followed him down the stairs as he carried the box. Before leaving, I of course had to say goodbye to Jenn and Rebecca.

"I'm gonna miss you guys. I loved living with you." We broke into a group hug

"I know, it was fun having you." Jenn said as I started to walk to the door. We all said bye to each other one more time before I closed the front door.

I got into the moving truck Matt had rented and he started the engine. As he drove off, his hand laid on my thigh.

"I'm so glad you agreed."

"Of course I would." 
Hey guys👋
Here's another chapter for you

Have you heard Shawn's new song? I love it so much. Can't wait for handwritten to come out.

Anyway, I think I might end the book in around 10 more chapters but don't worry there's a sequel

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