Ch. 35

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I woke up to the sound of someone walking into the bedroom. I sat up to see Matt slowly creeping on with a stack pancakes and bacon and eggs on a tray.

He walked over and placed the tray on my lap. He leaned over the tray and pecked my lips.

"Happy Birthday babe."

"This is so nice!"

"I wanted to do something nice for you."

"Well thank you."

"No problem." He leaned over and pecked my lips again.

"Now eat, we've got other things to do." After eating the nice breakfast, Matt told me to dress in something active.

When we got in the car, he started to drive me towards these hills. we parked near what seemed to be a hiking trail.

"You always said you wanted to go see the Hollywood sign closer, so here we are."

"You're so thoughtful!"

"I know, I try." He flipped imaginary hair over his shoulder. I playfully shoved his arm before we started our little hike.

We had hiked for only around 3 minutes when Matt started to complain.

"Why did you want to do this? We could have done something relaxing." I rolled my eyes.

"You're the one who brought it as a surprise, you could have chose something else for it. You know I just thought since you were being a nice boyfriend and giving this to me, you would at least be prepared."

"Yeah well look what being nice led me to, climbing Mt. Everest."

"Stop being so dramatic and let's go, it's only a little higher." I started up the track and Matt followed, not without giving an over dramatic sigh before hand.

When we got as close as could get, it was breathtaking. Seeing the words up close had always been something I wanted to do.

"Thank you so much Matt." I kissed his cheek from behind and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Let's take a picture so that we can remember the time I was the world's best boyfriend." He took out his phone Before I jumped on his back.

He held the camera in a way so that we were in the picture with part of the Hollywood sign behind us.

A couple minutes later I got a notification from Twitter.

@TheMattEspinosa: Happy Birthday @Cece_Dev

Attached was the photo we just took. We looked so cute together. I retweeted it before we left back to the car.

"Now we're going to go home and get ready for something."

"What else you've got under your sleeves Mr. Espinosa?"

"You'll see." Getting home, I showered and decided what clothes to wear.

Matt told me semi formal so I wore a black skater dress with a jean jacket and black heels. Matt was dressed in a gray button down and jeans.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going now?" I asked as I closed the car door.

"Still no. Be patient young one." The radio was playing softly as Matt drove us to wherever we're going.

We pulled up in front of a nice looking restaurant type building. Matt opened my door for me as I climbed out.


"Yeah, hopefully you're not trying to kill me." He rolled his eyes as he opened the doors.

Suddenly I heard screams of surprise which startled me a little. I looked around and all our friends were there, even Ari and Shel.

"Oh my gosh guys. This is so sweet, thank you all." I got dragged into the crowd.

I was pulled onto the dance floor. I had so much fun. We were all just going crazy.

Soon the dance floor parted and Shawn and Taylor were pushing a cake towards me.

It had vanilla frosting, my favorite. Once the cake was pulled in front of me, everyone started to sing happy birthday.

I made my birthday wish before blowing out all the candles. When it was cut into, I saw that it was a

"Thank you guys, this is the best birthday." I noticed Matt sitting down near one of the walls. I walked over and sat near the wall.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing. Just how lucky I am to have you."

"That's so sweet."

"You know what's also sweet, that cake. Give me a piece." I broke off a little of the cake on my plate and fed it to Matt. I noticed a little icing on the corner of his mouth and wiped it off.

He slowly reached up and kissed me on the lips. As we pulled apart, he still looked into my eyes.

"I love you."

"Love you, too. Forever?"

"And infinity." He finished.

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