Ch. 22

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I just sat there thinking I completely ruined me and Brent's relationship. I'm sure he'll never talk to me ever again.

"When did my life turn into a fucking soap opera." I said frustrated. Sensing my frustration, Matt came up in front of me and snaked his arms around my arms.

I would fought against his move but I'm just too tired to fight my feelings anymore. I collapsed into his chest.

"I missed you Matt." I said into his shirt.

"I missed you, too. Forever and infinity."

-A Week Later

I kept trying to apologize to Brent but he continued ignoring so I kind of gave up.

Matt and I are on better terms now. I haven't completely taken him back but he kept on trying.

"Hey Cece?"

"Hmm." I turned to look at him.

"Technically our one year anniversary is coming up."

"It doesn't count Matt we weren't together for the entire year."

"I don't care, I want to do something."

"Fine, but you're going to plan everything."

"And I'll do an awesome job at that."

"Doubt it."

"Actually, I already have something planned. Put something nice on." I looked at Matt with confusion as he pushed me into my closet.

I decided to wear my black dress, that hit me mid thing hand had cutouts on the back.

While in front of the bathroom mirror, I did my winged eyeliner like Mahogany taught me then added red lipstick.

Stepping out I could see Matt's breath was taken away.

-Matt's POV

I was just sitting on Cece bed, waiting on her. Which was taking forever might I add.

I finally saw the door open and Cece stepped out in a little black dress. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, she looked stunning.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

"No, you look amazing." I could see the blush on her cheeks that she was trying to hide with her hair.

"Let's go then." I grabbed her hand and led her outside to my car. I got a bit nervous as we got closer to our destination, what if she doesn't like it?

"Imma need you to cover your eyes. It's a surprise." She put her hand over eyes. I flipped her off in front of her eyes to see if she could see. Since there was no reaction, I knew that she didn't see a thing.

Pulling up, I opened her door and led her to our table. We were in a field like our first date. Fairy lights were strung around and there was a table already set up.

"Okay open your eyes." She moved her hand from her eyes and immediately out over her mouth.

"I'm guessing you love it."

" It's amazing."

-Cece's POV

I walked around the border of the fairy lights. It all looked do magical.

"Did you do all of this?"

"Well I mean it's our 'one year anniversary' so why not make it nice."

"It's so nice." Matt pulled out my seat for me. I sat down as he sat at his seat.

"Matt really, this beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you though."

"That's so cheesy but thank you." Matt reached for my hand from across the table and held it.

"Cece there's something I need to ask you."

"Sure, shoot."

"Will you be my girlfriend.....again?" Ever since the break up, I've been wanting this moment. Now they it was hear, I couldn't move my mouth so I just shook my head yes.

Matt stood up and engulfed me in a hug. He pulled away and I just pulled him back into a kiss.

After a couple seconds, we pulled away for air. I leaned my forehead on his.

"I love you Cece, forever and infinity."

"I love you too Matt, forever and infinity." This was one of the best nights of my life, I never wanted to leave.


Sorry I didn't double update yesterday.

I KNOW I FEEL SO BAD. My internet went out so I couldn't publish so I'm doing it today.

Again so sorry

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