Ch. 23

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For once in my life I was actually excited for school. It was the last day and I couldn't wait for the summer break. I can just lay around and do nothing all day long like the lazy person I am.

Just my luck, me and Brent were going in at the same time. We never really talked again after prom but I miss my little Brent.

"Hey." I said trying to start a conversation between us again.

"Don't hey me, whore." I completely stopped in my tracks. I know I kind of messed over his feelings but that doesn't mean I want to be called a whore.

Seeing the hate he has, I decided to just give up on it. I only came back to my senses when I saw Ari and Shel by sides.

"What are you waiting around for?" Shel asked looking around.


"Well than, let's go get this day over with." Ari drug both me and Shel through the doors and down the hall.

I didn't see Matt the entire day but as I walked out the doors, finally free from this prison, Matt was standing my by car.

I ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

"Where were you all day?"

"I had to get some last minute stuff done."

"Oh, well I missed you." I went up on my tippy toes and kissed him.

"I missed you too. Now get in and hand me your keys." I did so and he got in.

"Where are we going?"

"I got a bunch of movies and we can have a little marathon at my house." I love movies so I was happy.

At his house, we got a big bowl of popcorn and m&ms and snuggled up in his room.

Halfway through the 5th movie, my eyes started to get heavier.

"Cece, before you go to sleep I want to show you something."

"What is it?"

"Follow me."

-Matt's POV

I walked her to the car. I wanted her to see it before she fell asleep. I hope she loves it as much as I have.

I pulled up to what I wanted her to see. Turning, I saw that she fell asleep on the way there.

"Cece get up."

"Huh? What?" She looked so cute still half asleep.

"We're here." We sat on the hood of the car and watched the sunset. The sky was a beautiful mixture of orange and pink.

I turned to see Cece looking up at it in amazement. I couldn't help but lean over and kiss her on the cheek.

She turned to give me a cheeky smile. (A/N: I have been ready too many 1D fanfic a if I'm starting to use British lingo)

She kissed me back and I was soon pulling her on top of me.

We both pulled apart to breath. I looked into her beautiful brown eyes and I don't know how I could ever cause hurt in those eyes.

"Matt, what are you looking at."

"Your beautiful eyes."

"Haha what a funny joke." She laid her head on my chest.

"No I'm serious."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever." We laid there looking up at the stars that started to show across the night sky.

I felt her breathing getting slower and knew she was asleep. I soon started to feel sleep ingulf me as well.

At that moment I knew this night couldn't get any better.

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