Ch. 25

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Matt and I were having a fun time in LA. We were spending a lot of time with the guys.

Me and Matt we're currently having a lazy day in our hotel room. Matt's phone buzzed on the side table. After checking it, he placed back on the table.

"Who was that?"

"The O2L guys are having a party tonight and were wondering if we wanted to come."

"We should go."


"Yeah it'll be allot of fun to go out and party. besides I've always wanted to meet the O2l guys."

"Okay, It starts at 9."

"Well it's already 7 so I'm gonna start getting ready."

I got up and headed into the bathroom.

"Babe I should join you. You know to save water." Matt said as he saw me walking towards the bathroom.

"I think we'll be good."

"Don't come complaining to me when there's a brought."

"I'll make sure to." I closed the bathroom door and went into the shower.

When I was done I stepped out the bathroom and saw that I forgot to bring my clothes.

I mentally cursed my self for forgetting and went out the door to grab them. I could feel a pair of eyes on me.

"Matt I know you're staring."

"I can't help it. You look so beautiful."

"Yeah well Mr. Pervert you can use the bathroom now." He walked into the bathroom as I grabbed my clothes and changed.

"Hurry up, I need to put my makeup on." I yelled through the bathroom to make sure he heard me.

"I'll be out in a minute." He called back.

While I waited, I decided to go into to Twitter. I hadn't tweeted in awhile so I decided I should.

@Cece_Dev: decided to get out of the trap that is my bed and have some human interaction tonight.

I hear the bathroom door open up and saw Matt walk through fully clothed.

"There your highness, the bathroom is all free."

"Thank you my prince." I ruffled his hair as I walked by him.

I grabbed my makeup bag. Once I was done, I walked back into the hotel room to see Matt laying on the bed while on his phone. I swear he is always on that thing. I looked down at my phone and saw it was 8:30.

"Matt you ready?"

"Yeah, let's get going."

Driving up to the O2l house, there were already some cars parked nearby. luckily we were able to find a spot near the entrance.

I walked in and was immediately greeted by a hug, pulling away I could see that it was Jc.
(A/N: Jc's beard for no shave November is just looking 👌)

"Jc this is Cece. Cece this is Jc."

"It's nice to meet you Jc. I love your videos."

"Thanks, let me introduce you to the rest of O2l." Jc walked us inside

The place wasn't completely packed yet but I knew it was on its way.

We walked over to the rest of the O2l guys hanging around talking. Kian turned along and saw Matt. They did the little bro hug thing and then Matt did it with the rest of them.

"Guys this is my girlfriend Cece." they all said hey and we all started talking.

By the time is was ten, the party truly started. the place was packed like I thought it would be.

As I was walking over till get a drink, I bumped into two girls. One had dark curly hair and the other had blonde straight hair. They both looked pretty familiar to me.

"I am so sorry." I said when they turned around.

"No problem, we're both fine." the blonde one said with a laugh.

"I'm sorry but do I know you, you look pretty familiar."

"Well we're 2/5 of the fabulous five. I'm Jen." the blonde one said.

"And I'm Rebecca." the other girl said

"That's where you're from. I've seen you guys in some of the O2l videos and some of your own. I'm Cece by the way."

"Well it's nice to meet you Cece." Rebecca said.

The rest of the night I spent talking and dancing with Rebecca and Jen. After awhile I knew I had a little buzz and decided I should probably find Matt to leave before I get too drunk.

I looked around the floor for him and finally spotted him talking to Kian.

"Hey Matt, I was wondering if we could go in a bit."

"Yeah sure, lets go. See you later, bro."

"See you later." Kian responded before walking over to Sam.

Matt and I walked to the car and drove off back to the hotel.

As I walked out the hotel bathroom with my pjs on, I saw Matt laying on the bed with a pair of basketball shorts on.

I settled into the bed and cuddled up next to him.

"You know I could live here."

"Live where?" Matt asked.

"Here in LA. Its a completely different feel from back home but I like that."

"Yeah I could live here too. Then we could get a house out here and have little Espinosas running around."

"Yeah, I'm a little young. we can wait a little while longer for the little Espinosas part but it would be nice to live with you."

"I promise to you that we will someday. I love you forever and..." Matt said looking down at me.

I looked up at him and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Always." I finished after we pulled apart.

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