Ch. 4

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After hours of working and talking Matt asked me something I never thought he would say.


-Celia's POV-

"We have been working for awhile so.." He scratched the back of his neck before continuing

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out for some ice cream." I was surprised that he asked me out on a date.

I mean he didn't call it a date but I still felt special about it.

"Sure." I said before following him downstairs. As I passed my mom I told her where we were going and then left.

There was a Dairy Queen a few blocks from my house. We just walked and talked some more.

This was a true dream of mine. I was actually going to an unofficial date in my opinion and talking to Matt without feeling I was about to throw up from nerves.

When we got there I ordered cookie dough and he got chocolate. I started to pull out some money but he wouldn't let me.

"Let me be the gentleman here and pay for you."

"But I have money right here with me."

"And I used to have a pet guinea pig."

"What are you talking about?" I said wondering about the off-topic turn of the conversation.

"Oh, I thought we were talking about irrelevant things right now." He said as he paid the casher.

We found a table near a window. It was nice to just sit here with him and the ice cream. When I looked out the window, I saw Ari and Shel walk by. I was hoping they didn't see me but then I got a text from Ari.

From: Ari 😜😝

We saw u if u were wondering 😉

To: Ari 😜😝

I don't know wat ur talking about

From: Ari 😜😝

I'm sure Matt does 😏

To: Ari 😜😝

I'll tell u later ☺️

I put my phone down and continued eating my ice cream.

"Who were you texting?" Matt asked obviously seeing the annoyed look on my face.


"You obviously have an annoyed look on your face. You can't hid from me."

"Ugh. It was just my friend looking for some gossip."

"Gossip about what?" I didn't really want to tell him but of course I just started talking.

"About us. Not like there is any."

"We'll maybe we won't disappoint." And with that he started walking towards the door. I eventually got over my momentary shock and followed him out. Instead of walking into my house, we went to my car so I could drop him off at his house.

We didn't talk the whole ride there but as he was getting out, I was debating whether to say something but Matt beat me to it.

"See you tomorrow beautiful." I instantly blushed and waved goodbye. While driving home I kept thinking, did he just call me beautiful?

That left me in a good mood for the rest of the night, I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

-Skip Morning

I was sitting at a table with Ari and Shel when Matt walked up.

"Hey Cece, is it alright if I sit here?" Shel and Ari gave the 'I knew there was something' look.

"Yeah yeah. It's fine." I was kind of surprised he wanted to sit here. Ari, Shel, and I weren't exactly apart of the cool crowd. We weren't total nerds but we weren't one of those air head cheerleaders that Matt usually sat with.

Since Matt sat with us, some of the popular crowd sat at our table. That included the school Barbie, Kendall.

"Hey Celia two." She tried to seem like she talked with us everyday.

"Kendall what are you doing here?" Shel asked the question everyone was wondering but of course she would say it out loud.

"What do you mean silly. Why can't I sit here with friends."

"If you want to sit with friends, you can sit over there with the rest of the barbies." Ari said. She was always one for a fight.

"Listen here bitch. I can sit where ever I want even if it's with you people." Kendall said obviously forgetting that Matt was still there. If looks could kill, Kendall would have dropped dead by now.

"Um, Kendall how about you sit somewhere else today." Matt said seeing the tension at the table.

"I don't have to move just because little miss over here can't keep her mouth shut." When she said that she poked Ari in the forehead. After that there was no stopping Ari.

She lunged at Kendall over the table and they were soon fighting on top of the table.

Matt and I were trying to pry Ari off of Kendall with no success. I knew that there was stopping Ari now that she was in the zone. Matt was finally able to get a grip on Ari to pull her away.

Kendall must not have been defending herself very well because Ari looked like she was barely touched but Kendall was a whole lot worse. One of Kendall's little minions ran up to her and took her to the bathroom while Ari just sat down again like nothing happened.

"Ari are you okay." Shel asked

"Yeah, I'll be fine. She barely even touched me. For someone who always picks on people, she sure doesn't know how to fight."

"Because no one has ever stood up to her before." I commented with a shrug

"Are you sure you're okay." Matt asked still looking a bit worried, but with a slight smile on his face.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway what were we talking about." We all laughed only Ari can just have been tumbling on the table and then sit down like nothing happened.

-After School

As I was walking out and towards my car, Matt came over.

"Hey Cece!"

"Hey Matt."

"Um, I was wondering if maybe.." He scratched the back of his neck.


"If maybe you wanted to hang out today. I mean you don't have to if you don't want to." He quickly added that last part when he saw the shock on my face. I mean I was shocked that he actually wanted to hang out with me outside of our project.

"Yeah, that sounds nice. Where do you want to go?"

"I can pick you up at 5 and we can head to the mall."


"Okay see you at 5." With that he walked back to the direction he came from.

As I was driving home and when I walked through the door, I kept replaying what happened. Did he actually just ask to hang out with me?

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