Ch. 29

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After being in LA for a few weeks, Matt finally moved out here as well.

I was currently in the airport waiting for his plane to land. I looked down at my phone to make sure I had the right gate.

A text popped up at the top of the screen.

My Dino 😘😏:
Turn around

I looked at confusingly before turning around and seeing Matt standing there with his bags.

I hugged him and he started kissing every part of my face.

"" He said in between kisses.

We walked out the airport and got into my car.

"So what have you been up to since we were apart."

"Well I started my YouTube channel. Rebecca and Jenn really helped get it set up. I posted a couple of covers and I did like two challenge. I already have 1,000 subscribers so I'm slowly climbing up."

"That's really cool babe. Maybe I could feature on it sometime."

"Maybe." It was nice to have my Mattasarus back with me.

"Hey you want to go to the beach today?"

"Sure just stop by my house so I can get my swimsuit." We stopped by my house and grabbed my bikini. It was white with blue floral designs.

Since we still had to stop by Matt's new house, I figured I might as well change there.

Once Matt had dropped his bags off and we both changed, we were on our way to Santa Monica.

Matt and I just relaxed laying out on the beach.

"So how do you like living in California now?" Matt looked down at me. I looked back up through my sunglasses.

"It's actually a lot of fun sand I'm glad you're here know."

"Yep, we're gonna have an awesome time. Now let's get into the water." Matt grabbed my hand to pull me up.

I didn't really feel like swimming so we walked to water that up to my chest and up to the middle of Matt's stomach.

I had my back to Matt when I heard him call my name. I turned around to be met by a face full of water.

"Oh you're gonna get it Espinosa."

"You'll never catch me!" I tried chase after him which was quite hard considering we were in water, but I was finally able to splash him back.

The started a splashing war. We splashed each other until I was completely worn out.

"I'm really tired now. Do you wanna go back to my house and watch a movie?" I suggested as we left the water.

"Defiantly, I'm completely popped out." Matt drove us back.

We changed before getting comfortable on my bed. Grabbing my laptop, I pulled up Netflix.

"Which should we pick?" We looked through the options before deciding on Devil.

It felt nice to have Matt right next to me.

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